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Woodcote Primary School



  • Newsletter 28.11.13

    Thu 28 Nov 2013

    Christmas Market – Please visit our Christmas Market – TONIGHT – Friday 29th November 6.15 – 8.15pm.
    The Infants and choir will be singing and we would like the children to dress in school uniform (or at least a school sweatshirt).  Infants will sing at 6.20pm and the Choir will sing at 7.15pm.   Please could the children go to Beech class 5 minutes before they sing.

    We would strongly suggest that you walk to the school for this event if you are able to, as parking will be very difficult due to a big event being held in the Village Hall at the same time.


    Raffle Tickets – If you have not yet returned your raffle tickets, sold or unsold, please bring them along to the Christmas Market so that they can be included in the raffle or sold at the Market.


    Christmas Productions – Please remember these dates:

    Wednesday 11th December at 2pm – Infants (Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes)

    Tuesday 17th December at 7pm – Willow and Maple classes.

    There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday 9th December at 2pm for the Infants Production and parents are welcome to attend this if they are unable to attend the actual production.  We would also ask that if you have pre-school children that you attend this dress rehearsal rather than the performance on 11th December.


    ASPENS Promotional Free Hot Meal – Thursday 5th December.  Please pre-order this free meal by Monday 2nd December.  Please note the offer only applies to HOT meals, not the Aspen Packed Lunch.


    School Christmas Dinner – – Wednesday 11th December.  Please order the Christmas Meal by Wednesday
    4th December even if you have paid and your child has dinners regularly as the canteen need to know accurate numbers in advance.  Please send your order and payment in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name.


    School Dinner Surprises – During December there will be prizes for children if their dinner plate has a sticker on the bottom.  These will only be on random plates and staff will be looking out for them as well as the children.


    Earrings – Can I please remind parents that only small stud earrings may be worn in school, nothing else.


    Weeding and Wading in the Wildlife Area – We are still looking for volunteers to help with clearing and re-building the wildlife area on 7th and 14th December.  If you are able to volunteer for an hour or two between 10am and 4pm please email:


    Langtree Santa Fun Run – 1km festive fun run for children and 5km Santa fun run for adults will take place on Sunday 1st December at 10am.  For more information and to register go to:


    Cross Country Event – The next primary school cross country event will take place at Chiltern Edge School on Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group)  Further details from Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email


    Colouring Competition – The colouring competition sheets sent home with this newsletter may be completed and brought into the office by Thursday next week so that they can be sent to Davis Tate in Goring by Friday.

    Amy Fletcher, Acting Headteacher                                          Please see back of newsletter for FOWPS news



    School Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 11th December (please return slip by Wednesday 4thDecember)


    I would like to order Christmas dinner for my child/children ……………………………………


    Please enclose £2.00 payment per dinner if you have not already paid and indicate if your child requires a vegetarian meal.



    Signed ……………………………………………………….    Date ……………………………………

  • Newsletter 15.11.13

    Thu 14 Nov 2013

    Christmas Market – As you will have seen from the FOWPS information, we are holding a Christmas Market on Friday 29th November 6.15 – 8.15pm this year instead of the usual Christmas Fayre.  The choir will be singing and we would like the children in the choir to dress in school uniform (or at least a school sweatshirt).  KS1 children will sing at 6.20pm and KS2 children will sing at 7.15pm.   Please could the children in the choir go to Beech class 5 minutes before their choir sings.


    Christmas Cards – The children have created their own Christmas card designs which have now been sent to the printers.  You will be able to view the samples/proofs at the Christmas Market and will be able to order packs of 12 at a cost of £5.00 per pack.


    Scholastic Book Club – A reminder that if you wish to order from the Scholastic leaflet, that orders need to be brought in to the school office on next Monday 18th November.  The school will receive 20p towards free books for every £1 spent on books.


    Reach4Health – The school health nursing teams are now providing a free healthy lifestyle and weight management service for 4 to 16 year olds.  Children and families are welcome to refer themselves directly by calling 07824 498744 or by email:


    Cross Country Event – The next primary school cross country events will take place at Chiltern Edge School this Saturday 16th November and Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group)  Further details from Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email


    Weeding and Wading at Woodcote Primary – Volunteers needed!!

    We have now secured funding from FOWPS to go ahead with clearing and re-building of the Wildlife area and we are still looking for volunteers to help.


    Two dates have been secured and these are the 7th and 14th December with a further date to be booked in January.  If you are able to come along and help, with wheel barrow, tools, maybe rubber gloves and wellies or waders if you have them that would be great – we will be working from 10 am through till 4 pm so do come along for as long as you can or even an hour or so would be great.  Why not send your husband with the children and you can do some Christmas shopping while they’re out?

    Please do mail me at to let me know if you can come (we’ll try and sort out refreshments), on which date and how long you think you’ll be able to commit to.


    Also, do you know of any builders who are looking to dispose of any spoil?  This is the mud, clay, chalk and stones that are dug out when building, say, an extension or landscaping.   We will need approximately 12-15 cubic meters of spoil (un-dug volume) to build up the banks.  Definitely not ‘top-soil’ as this will contain too many fertilisers and chemicals which will destroy a lot of the wildlife and plants in our new pond.  We would need to have this delivered to the school by 7th December.  Or maybe you know if anyone has any slabs or other materials for paths or viewing / dipping areas? 
    Can you help?

  • Correspondent Article: November

    Wed 13 Nov 2013

    Despite half term hitting us this month, they seem to come around more and more quickly, we have had an action packed month with school trips, activities at school, harvest festivals and sing-alongs.


    Oak Class were lucky to be invited to sing their harvest songs for the WI to celebrate their harvest feast with them. There were some very enthusiastic renditions of ‘The Harvest Rock and Roll and ‘Bean Harvest’ that they had rehearsed for their own harvest festival. Once the children had finished, the ladies returned the favour and sang a song back to the children. A wonderful collaborative event bringing together the older and younger generations in our village.


    Beech Class visited The Oxfordshire Museum which is situated in a large 18th century house in the heart of Woodstock. They have been learning about toys from the past and while there, visited the Victorian Gallery, looked at old Victorian toys and even learnt to make traditional peg dolls. On top of that, they also made a visit to the Science Museum in London which allowed the children time to explore and investigate with hands on practical experiments. Rowan Class visited the Natural History Museum, also in London, to take part in an interactive workshop.


    Oak and Hornbeam Classes (Reception and Year 1) were treated to a visit by ‘the Zoo Lab’. Josie and Beth in Oak Class aptly described this as ‘we held lots of animals like snakes, snails and huge stick insects’. The children handled all sorts of wriggly, slithery creepy creatures that you wouldn’t normally find in Woodcote!


    As part of the ongoing ‘Mini-Woods’ programme, the playground was temporarily converted to a real adventure playground with the addition of a ‘bouldering wall’ which all classes were able to make use of, despite the very wet conditions. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is performed without the use of ropes or harnesses. In addition to this, a group of Year 5 children are continuing with their weekly ‘Mini-Woods’ project, involving outdoor cooking.


    A group from Maple Class (Year 5) were invited to the ICT suite at Whitchurch Primary school to learn about, and have a go at, some programming as part of our school’s ‘gifted and talented’ programme.

    Six children from Year 5 have been chosen to become ‘sports leaders’ during play time and lunch time breaks. They will organise, create and teach playground games for all the younger children to participate in should they wish. Congratulations to Tom, Gemma, Milly, Guy, Katie and Silas who completed their training at Langtree.

    Auditions have taken place for the Year 5 / 6 production of ‘Sheherazade’ – a version of the tales of ‘1001 Arabian Nights’. The performance will take place on the 17th December at 7pm. Oak, Hornbeam and Beech’s production of ‘Baboushka’, a Russian perspective on the traditional nativity, will take place on the 11th December at 2.00 pm.

  • Newsletter 7.11.13

    Thu 07 Nov 2013

    Operation Christmas Child –A reminder that if you wish to take part in this and have not yet brought your box in, these need to be brought in together with your donation on Monday morning as they will be collected Monday.


    Christmas Productions – These will take place as follows: 

    Wednesday 11th December at 2pm      Infants (Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes)

    Tuesday17th December at 7pm            Willow and Maple classes.

    There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday 9th December for the Infants Production and parents are welcome to attend this if they are unable to attend the actual production.


    Children in Need – Friday 15th November.  This year children may take part in this event as follows:

    Dress in Pyjamas and pay £1.00.

    Bring a Bear to School and pay £1.00 (but not a special and precious bear). 

    Bear Hospital open at breaktime and lunchtime for free.

    Have a Children in Need paw print tattoo put on in school and pay £1.00 (first come, first served).

    We are also hoping to sell cookies (bear shaped if possible) and if there are any parents who would be able to make some of these for us please let the school office know. 


    Scholastic Book Club – With this newsletter you should receive a leaflet showing books available.  If you wish to order please complete the order form on the back and return it to school in a marked envelope together with your payment by Monday 18th November.  The school will receive 20p towards free books for every £1 spent on books.


    Cross Country Event – The next primary school cross country events will take place at Chiltern Edge School on Saturday 16th November and Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group)  Further details please contact Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email


    St. Leonards Fair – On Saturday 9th November St. Leonards Church will be holding their annual Fair in Woodcote Village Hall from 1.30pm to 4pm.  This is a good opportunity to get early Christmas gifts etc and support the church.


    Cabin Pre-School – The Cabin Pre-school are running a Quiz and Curry night on Saturday 9thNovember. 
    Doors open 7:30 at Woodcote Village Hall.  For tickets call Helen on 0777 344 7504 or buy them from Cabin.
