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Woodcote Primary School


Oak, Hornbeam and Beech Trip Letter - 27th Sept 2012

Dear Oak, Hornbeam and Beech Parents,


As part of our exciting Science Week, we have arranged a trip to The Look Out Discovery Centre, in Bracknell, on Thursday 25th October.  The children will need to be in school on time, ready to leave promptly at 9:00.  We hope to be back at school by the end of the school day at 3:15.


The Friends of Woodcote Primary School (FOWPS) have kindly agreed to pay for our entrance to the museum.  Therefore we are asking you for a voluntary contribution of £4 to pay for the coach.


The children need a packed lunch and plenty of drink, preferably in bottles that can be resealed (and that are not glass.)  Please place all items in a bag which your child finds easy to carry, in case they need to do this at any time during the day.


Pupils should wear school uniform so that they are easily identifiable.  They should also wear sensible shoes for walking.  They may need sun hats, sun cream or raincoats depending on the weather!  They will not need any money.


We will need a few parents to come along and help out on the day.  Therefore, if you would like to help out please let us know on the slip below, as soon as possible.  Your child’s teacher will then confirm with you whether you are able to come or not.

Please sign and return the slip, along with your contribution, as soon as possible.


Yours sincerely,

The Key Stage One and Foundation Stage Teams




I give permission for my child ______________________ to go to The Look Out Discovery Centre, Bracknell, on Thursday 25th October.

  • I enclose a voluntary contribution of £4.
  • I am able to volunteer.

Signed__________________________             Date_______________________
