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Woodcote Primary School


Y4 – Rowan

Welcome To Rowan Class

The Rowan Team:

   Mrs Peacock, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Thorne, Mrs Jones and Mrs Wibberley

Making Models of the Digestive System


Today, we participated in a STEM workshop. We learnt about local companies that promote opportunities in STEM and the children were set a challenge to work in teams to unlock two padlocks that were stuck together in a 10 minute window. We were not successful, but there was some excellent team work and problem solving ideas going on!

'Save the Rainforest' poster by Alex

World Book Day 2024. Have you read these books?

Our wonderful writing is on display in Woodcote Library

Please do pop into Woodcote Library to see our leaflets about school life during the Victorian times. We wrote our leaflets as part of our local history study based on the big question: 'Why is the library significant to Woodcote's history?'


Visiting the library with Oak Class


On Thursday 8th February, we visited the library again, this time with Oak Class. We shared our knowledge of the library's history and took the booklets we had written to share with Oak Class. These are now on display in the library.

Geography - Rainforests

We were incredibly impressed with the quality of homework produced by Rowan Class last week. The children were tasked with making a rainforest themed game, for which they would also need to undertake research about rainforests. The ideas that children had were absolutely fantastic and a lot was learned in the process. On Friday afternoon, the children (and adults) had great fun playing the wide variety of games, as well as testing our geographical knowledge.

Rowan's Reading Journal

We have recently started a class reading journal.  On Fridays, we will be choosing someone at random to take it home and create a journal entry for a book (it could be the one you are currently reading, or a particular favourite).  The following Friday, whoever was chosen will bring in their book to share with the class.


Well done to Oliver H for a super first entry.  Oliver has chosen to do his entry on 'Spy Pups', by Andrew Cope.  We are looking forward to hearing all about it on Friday.  If you have read it, can you answer Oliver's quiz?


I wonder who will be next, and which book they will choose...

A Selection of Recounts from our trip to Reading Museum

We have been starting to make frames for our lanterns in DT...

Rowan's Trip to Reading Museum 

This term, for our local history study, we have been investigating why Woodcote Library is significant to Woodcote's history.  We now know it was built during Queen Victoria's reign and used to be the village school.  On Friday 3rd November, we ventured to Reading Museum to find out more about what life was like for children during the Victorian era.  We'll share more on this soon, but for now, here are some photos to give you a flavour of our day.


Trip to Stratford on Avon to visit Shakespeare's school and take part in a workshop put on by RSC

Investigating and making simple switches to add to our circuits

Fish Cakes


We spent some time this week making fish cakes together. Have a look below:

Motor Museum


Year 2 put on a motor museum this week and we got to join in! Have a look at some of the photos:

Dragon Days!

Art with Graphite and Charcoal

Rowan enjoyed looking at and learning about the art of Barbara Hepworth. Then they used graphite and charcoal to produce these fabulous sketches in response to her work, thinking carefully about line and tone and interpreting shadow and depth in their work. 


Outdoor Maths

With the warmer weather this week, we decided to take our Maths outside and plot different co-ordinates on our own grids. Once our grids were drawn, we had fun joining up the co-ordinates to create different polygon shapes.

Making Rivers!


In Topic, we have been exploring the different parts of a river. Today, we were set the challenge of creating our own rivers and labelling each of the different parts. After making the river beds and designing the landscape around the river, we worked hard on naming each of the different parts and had fun testing our rivers out. 

World Book Day 2021

Archive 2019/20

World Book Day 2020

Rowan Class Trip to Oxford


We really enjoyed visiting both the Natural History Museum and the History of Science Museum. Whilst at the History of Science Museum, we investigated how Columbus sailed the seas and what objects he would have used on his journey. 

How is sound made?


This week we have enjoyed investigating how sound is made. We experimented lightly tapping a tuning fork, placing it in the bowl of water and observing what happens to the tuning fork vibrating.

We also created our very own string telephones! We experimented using our telephones in many different ways including around corners, under the desks, loosening the string and then tightening it again. 



Welcome to 2019-20!

Archive 2018/19


Rowan class trip

Last term, Rowan Class visited the Pitts Rivers Museum in Oxford to explore the ancient Maya. See some reviews and photos of our day below. 

Ukulele lessons begin!

Rowan class have began to learn how to play the ukulele. So far they have been learning about the beat of different pieces of music and practised how to play an A minor chord. 

