- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
HOME LEARNING - Week 6 - 6th July
The theme this week is Sport, as it is at this point of the Summer term that we would normally be taking part in Sports Day. More than anything sport should be fun so we hope that your child enjoys the range of activities offered here.
Hello Hornbeam class! You are doing so well with you're home learning. We are adding more of your fabulous photos to the website so keep a look out for these. The theme for this week is 'Woodcote' and we have linked this to transport because it would have been the Woodcote Steam Rally. We hope you enjoy it!
HOME LEARNING - Week 3 - 15th June
Hello everyone! This week's home learning theme is Space which we hope the children will really enjoy. Please find below all the home learning assignments and phonics. These are also on the Teams website for you.
HOME LEARNING - Summer week 3 (week beginning 4th May)
We will now be uploading work weekly but we do not expect everyone to complete everything. If your child is really engaged in something and wants to carry it over into the second week, this is fine. The format is also slightly different; the learning has now been broken down with suggested activities to do each day. This is a guide only; if you choose to do them in a different order this is fine too. Please do what works best for you and your family.
Welcome back Hornbeam! We hope you had a very happy Easter.
HOME LEARNING - SUMMER WEEKS 1 & 2 (week beginning 20th April)
We have attached the Home Learning work for the first two weeks of this term below. This work can also be found under the 'Assignments' section on the Teams website. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems. There is also some Phonics work for the next two weeks (see below) so we understand if this takes a bit of getting used to.
PHONICS LEARNING - Summer weeks 1 & 2
Phonics work for the next two weeks is provided below and on the Teams website. Each child's work is also within their Phonics Group on Teams.
Two tasks due by Friday 3rd April
Although there are many different tasks/assignments available for your child this week we are only expecting two pieces of work to be 'handed in' to us (using the TEAMS site) by Friday 3rd April.
One of these pieces could be evidence of your child's 'Owl Babies' story. This is one of the Writing Tasks where they have their own character included in the story. You could for example send a video of your child re-telling the story or add a photo of their Story Map (a story map is a piece of paper with drawings of each part of the story, so the beginning, middle and end, with each picture linked by arrows).
Hello everyone, we hope you're all OK and miss seeing all the children!
Over the coming weeks, we will be setting a variety of activities for your child to complete. We must stress, however, that we completely understand that some of you will be working from home, managing multiple children and just trying to get your heads round this unprecedented situation. We do not want to add any more pressure to what may already be a stressful time and we definitely do not want you to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work set. Some children will get through lots, while others may spend far more time on one thing and not complete all the work. This is OK! We would far rather your child took their time to write a quality story, for example, than rushed to complete every single activity we have suggested. Sometimes, their interest may even be piqued by something else entirely, for example investigating the birds that visit your garden. We would encourage them to follow these interests and would love to see or hear about any projects like this.
We also strongly believe that much learning can be achieved through baking, playing outside, playing with siblings, playing a game with family members etc. We'd love to hear about things like this too; perhaps send us some pictures so we can see what you get up to. We will be setting some (optional) Lego challenges (some of which you will find in your learning pack). We know how much some of the children love Lego! Please send us some pictures of the completed challenges so we can share them with the rest of the class.
You should have by now received your child’s login details for TEAMS. If you have not already done so, please could we ask that you log on by the end of Thursday so we can iron out any issues that may arise.
Finally, even though we won't be seeing you face to face, we will be working daily to support you and your children. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any worries or questions. We will be available on the TEAMS site during our normal working hours and will aim to answer any questions and provide feedback as soon as we can. We are also available to contact by email on office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Mrs Welsh and Miss Somerville
This week it would be good or children to re-cap their Phase 2 phonics sounds. If you look at the 'phase 2 sound mat' in the 'Useful Resources' section above you will be able to see all the sounds in the order that they are taught. The first sound taught is /s/ then /a/ then /t/ etc. Hornbeam children really like watching a puppet called Geraldine the Giraffe show them how to say each sound. If you type 'Geraldine the Giraffe' and the sound that you want e.g. 'Geraldine the Giraffe s' into Google, then the You Tube video of Geraldine should appear. Watching Geraldine helps to make phonics fun!
Some useful websites if you find yourself working from home:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD7zbsGjFo4 - Lazy Town 'wake up shake up' with Sportacus - we all really enjoyed this exercise routine!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBa_rvNEqSw - 'Dinosaur Roar' told with Makaton signing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoHn8rLj9pc - 'Dear Zoo' told with Makaton signing.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wGZSq1Ec50 - Hello to the Sun - children's yoga sun salutation that we often do in class.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpMwFqLmNrQ - another sun salutation to try.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk - lots of great phonics resources
www.oxfordowl.co.uk - free e-books
www.teachyourmonstertoread.com - a fun game that supports learning of phonics and reading
www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/words-and-spelling - spelling games
www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button - maths games. Please practise number bonds, addition and subtraction.
More will be added to this page in the coming days.