Home Page

Woodcote Primary School


Class information

Welcome to Oak class! 


Here you will find class information and other resources to help support your child. We are always happy to loan things from the classroom that you may not have at home, such as child scissors or a set of numicon shapes. You only need to ask! 

House Keeping 

Water Bottles: Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.

Book Bags: Please ensure your child brings their bookbag containing their reading book and reading record every day. We change the books once a week but like to listen to them read as often as we can.

PE Days: PE will usually be on a Thursday but please keep their kit in school daily.  This can be brought in at the beginning of each short term and taken home to wash in the holidays.

Snacks - please remember that we do have free fruit / vegetables and milk for snack times in Oak Class.  There is usually a choice for your child.  If children do bring their own snacks please remember that it should be a piece of fruit or vegetable.

Coats and Wellington Boots: Please ensure your child has a coat and a pair of wellington boots in school each day. Wellington boots can be left in school and a even a puddle suit would be a good idea- we are outside exploring in all weathers! 

New Parent letter with details of transition and gradual entry - 2024

Oak Class Information Booklet
