- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Welcome back to the Summer Term. We hope you enjoyed your break.
Firstly, I want to let you know that I will be having an operation on Monday 28th April. I will be absent from school for 2-3 weeks. During this time, Ash Class will be taught by Mrs Bodeker. I have detailed below who will usually teach children particular subjects; however during my absence this will not be the case.
English (Miss Allen)
We will be learning about adventure stories for the first part of the summer term. We will then learn about information texts. It is beneficial for children to read a range of these types of texts at home to support the work they do in class.
Children will continue to have regular spelling sessions to support their word level and phonic work. Children will take part in daily reading activities such as shared reading, guided reading and independent reading tasks. As children’s reading progresses, the independent reading tasks will increasingly take the form of comprehension activities to develop the children’s ability to understand what they have read.
Maths (Miss Allen)
This term, we will cover a range of topics including counting, partitioning, calculating, handling data and measures, securing number facts and understanding shape. We will also be developing skills in solving mathematical problems.
Science (Mrs Bodeker)
Before half term, we will be learning about plants. After half term, we will learn about rocks and soils.
Humanities (Miss Allen)
Our humanities topic for this term is ‘Early Britons’ and we will be learning about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. This will involve learning about how we find out about the past and investigating how people long ago lived and why they acted as they did. After half term, we will be learning about early Britain in our local area.
PSHE (Mrs Bodeker)
In PSHE this term, children will be following the theme of Relationships. We will also be corresponding with a school in New Zealand. After half term we will learn about Changes.
PE (Mrs Bodeker)
In PE this term we will be learning about striking and fielding, invasion games and athletics. PE will usually take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, however it is very important that children have outdoor PE kits in school all week. Please ensure PE kits are fully labelled.
ICT will be taught this term on a cross-curricular basis and incorporated into other subjects whenever possible.
RE (Mrs Bodeker)
In RE this term we will be studying Christianity and Judaism.
Music (Mrs Bodeker)
In music this term, we will be exploring sound colours.
Homework this term will take a slightly different format. Your child will continue to bring home spellings and times tables to learn on a Friday for the spelling and times table tests the following week. The main piece of homework will come home on Friday (25th April) and will not be due in until the Wednesday after half term (4th June).
Dates for your diary
28th April – Miss Allen absent for 2-3 weeks – Mrs Bodeker to teach class.
11th June – Miss Allen on course – Mrs Thompson to teach the class in the morning.
18th June – Ash Class Assembly.
Finally, please keep listening to your child read, and discussing books with them daily if at all possible. I know that this is not always the case and it is preferable that children read alone than not at all.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and see either myself or Mrs Bodeker.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Allen