- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Operation Christmas Child –A reminder that if you wish to take part in this and have not yet brought your box in, these need to be brought in together with your donation on Monday morning as they will be collected Monday.
Christmas Productions – These will take place as follows:
Wednesday 11th December at 2pm Infants (Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes)
Tuesday17th December at 7pm Willow and Maple classes.
There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday 9th December for the Infants Production and parents are welcome to attend this if they are unable to attend the actual production.
Children in Need – Friday 15th November. This year children may take part in this event as follows:
Dress in Pyjamas and pay £1.00.
Bring a Bear to School and pay £1.00 (but not a special and precious bear).
Bear Hospital open at breaktime and lunchtime for free.
Have a Children in Need paw print tattoo put on in school and pay £1.00 (first come, first served).
We are also hoping to sell cookies (bear shaped if possible) and if there are any parents who would be able to make some of these for us please let the school office know.
Scholastic Book Club – With this newsletter you should receive a leaflet showing books available. If you wish to order please complete the order form on the back and return it to school in a marked envelope together with your payment by Monday 18th November. The school will receive 20p towards free books for every £1 spent on books.
Cross Country Event – The next primary school cross country events will take place at Chiltern Edge School on Saturday 16th November and Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group) Further details please contact Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email knutt@chilternedge.oxon.sch.uk
St. Leonards Fair – On Saturday 9th November St. Leonards Church will be holding their annual Fair in Woodcote Village Hall from 1.30pm to 4pm. This is a good opportunity to get early Christmas gifts etc and support the church.
Cabin Pre-School – The Cabin Pre-school are running a Quiz and Curry night on Saturday 9thNovember.
Doors open 7:30 at Woodcote Village Hall. For tickets call Helen on 0777 344 7504 or buy them from Cabin.