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Woodcote Primary School


Y6 - Willow

Welcome To Willow Class


The Willow Class Team: Mrs Marie Wornham (Deputy Headteacher),

Mrs Ward (HLTA),Mrs Adele Gent & Mrs Suzanne Hood-Cree


Willow 2023-24

It's 13:56 and we've just left site, heading home. Some of us are wetter than others but we've all had a wash!

Thursday - Another wet day! But only because we went on the lake! Raft building, giant swing, laser tag, Trapeze and a visit from Mrs Hunt. Oh and don't forget the disco!


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Wet Wednesday - we forgot to book the sun today! We still had fun today doing Jacob's Ladder, Zip Wire and we survived Survivor!

Tuesday - sunshine and fun activities including fencing, buggy building, climbing and a range of sports. Some of us needed a nap!

Arrived safely, enjoyed our first meal and evening activities. Off to bed now.

Our Restless Earth presentations were phenomenal - have a look at how we decided to investigate this topic.

World Book Day - we loved celebrating all week, dressing up and sharing all of our books with each other.

Newton's Light Spectrum in action!

Magic or Science? We were amazed at how refraction can 'bend' light. In fact, we were so amazed that we went home and showed some of our investigations to our parents.

After writing our recounts of our O2 visit, we shared them with our Oak Buddies and showed them some of the videos of us singing. They are very excited to go when they are older.

After reading 'The Darkling Thrush' by Ted Huges, we wrote our own poems based on how the Winter season makes us feel.

We loved singing at the O2 with 8,000 other children in the Young Voices Choir.

We loved reading our 'Good Luck' card for our trip to the O2 from our Oak Buddies

Our fabulous Greek Museum was a big hit with the rest of the school and parents.

Our Advent boxes, made from our nets, look spectacular - we are enjoying the chocolate that's inside them.

Latha fèill Anndrais sona dhuibh - We dressed in a traditional Scottish kilt to help celebrate St.Andrew's Day

Becoming tributes like Theseus and exploring the labyrinth helped us imagine being in the myth 'Theseus and the Minotaur' We then used this experience to write our own scripts.

In Science, investigating how our heart rate changes during exercise.

Creating nets for 3D shapes - yes we are getting our Christmas advent calendar ready!

Weather forecasting in French - we have mastered 'il pleut' but are hopeful for 'soleil'

A spot of cooking after going to the shops to buy the ingredients. Winter Vegetable soup - the vote is currently 11- likes, 2 - I'd eat it but it's not my favourite and 2- definitely don't like it!

After reading 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen, we learnt 'In Flanders Fields' by John McCrae off-by-heart and recited it at the War Memorial for Remembrance. We then read the names on the memorial out after observing a 2 minute silence.

We loved receiving all of the 'Thank You' cards and letters for the Harvest boxes and letters we wrote.

We loved delivering the Harvest Boxes to those in need in our community. It was so lovely to meet everyone.

Off to church for Harvest Festival

Meeting David Baddiel at Henley Literary Festival

Classifying Living Things

Learning to be Playleaders

Willow Class 2022-23

Current ETA 17:53

Leaving now - 14:03 ETA 17:30 will update when we get closer

Wow! Just wow! What an amazing day. We had so much fun learning to canoe, falling out of the canoes, jumping out of the canoes and, oh yeah, we then dried ourselves on the zipwire!

Absolutely brilliant day full of challenges and successes - plus a fabulous visit from Mrs Hunt

A fabulous day spent buggy building, abseiling, doing the leap of faith and orienteering. Off to capture a flag now!

Well we can guarantee that everyone has had a wash!

Pool party for Ted today

Arrived safe and sound and now enjoying the sunshine

Leading the warm-up and cool down in PE and adapting our invasion skills from our learning in rugby lessons to football.

Singing with Young Voices at the O2. There are not enough superlatives to explain how fantastic this experience was!

Inspirational Andy Goldsworthy - we put our knowledge of classifying wildlife together with our learning in art to create art pieces inspired by nature, just like Goldsworthy.

Groovy Greeks! After learning nearly everything there is to know about the Greeks, we felt ready to host our 'Pop-up' Greek museum. We loved inviting the rest of the school and our parents to come and learn about the Greeks too. We cooked traditional foods, taught games and punishments and even put on a play for everyone to enjoy.

Celebrating Diwali. Year 6 worked with Year 1 to decorate their hands ready to celebrate the Hindu festival of Diwali together.

To help us practise our French, we invited parents to join us in our French cafe - all menus, orders and conversations were in French. It was a brilliant afternoon.

In Science, we looked for wildlife to classify.

Celebrating Harvest and delivering Food packages to those in need

Willow Class 2021

Everyone in Year 6 should now have a script for our musical, Pirates of the Curry Bean. Below there is a link that takes you to a YouTube playlist of the songs. All the lyrics are in your scripts so you should be able to start learning and practicing the songs!

We have just left site- 14:07. We will inform you when we are roughly 30 minutes from home. See you soon 😊

We're up (just), we're packed (mostly) and we've got our waterproofs on 🌧😢  Luckily one of our last activity is indoors.  We'll post later to tell you we've left site.  This won't be until at least 2pm

It turns out that some of us are actually very good at building rafts. However, we can guarantee that every child will come home having had some sort of wash this week! 😉 Lake swimming was very popular.

Fantastic morning spent at Kent Caverns and now getting ready to build rafts - we may get wet🤣

After the rain last night, the sun is shining already but it's extremely quiet here. The boys were up and ready but we can't say the same about the girls 😴😴😴😴

Well today we were vertically challenged, had huge fun building and riding buggies as well as conquering fears on the climbing wall. It was fabulous seeing Mrs Hunt but the room inspections were not so good 😬 We'll work on being tidy.

Rather quiet this morning! 😴

Zipwire fun

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A fabulous day spent abseiling, zipwiring and visiting the zoo. Luckily we had packed waterproofs for the shower (or two) at the zoo.

Arrived safely, even had time for a quick paddle in the sea - it was rather cold!

World Book Day - what a fantastic range of characters from so many different books and authors.

Whilst learning about our beautiful planet, we presented projects on an area of the topic that interested us. These ranged from Tsunamis to refugees and also included space debris and avalanches (to mention just a few)..


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After weeks of practising different skills, we put together a performance piece so we could assess what we had learnt.

Shadow puppet stories after learning about light and transparency.

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After writing our own Ancient Greek myths as a script, we performed these and edited them as green screen movies

What a performance - practising our Christmas carols before singing to parents and a final rehearsal of our dance to 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen for our dance topic. Once we practised our skills, we filmed it so we could evaluate our work.

Enjoying Christmas lunch (with a little music and dancing)

Using our Mathematical skills to create Christmas decorations

Using nets to make a 3D shape for our advent calendar boxes.

Into the labyrinth! After listening to Theseus and the Minotaur, we experienced what it might have been like to be one of the Athenian tributes. Luckily we all made it out alive.

Sharing our Ancient Greek work with each other

As part of our Science work on classifying, we spent time identifying and sorting flora and fauna around the school garden.

Using mathematical nets to cover shoe boxes so we can decorate and then fill them for Harvest.

Willow Class 2020

On our way home, time is 14:15.  Hoping for a clear run and seeing you all soon.

Final activities of the day - canoeing (don't worry we showered after getting wet) and archery. We'll text the school when we leave site and update during our journey. When we are roughly 30 minutes away, we'll send another text out to parents.

After a lovely camp fire, singing and story telling last night, it was very quiet this morning! Final temperature check before we leave could only be done when we'd finally managed to wake everyone up!

Giant swinging today - a little scary!

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Those who wanted to are ready for the game. The others will join us after their activities.

A lovely swim with Ted at the pool, some more climbing and buggy building

Raft building (we got a little damp), climbing, rifle shooting and vertical challenge today

Today's weather v last night's

Arrived safely, enjoying first meal

In our Leavers Hoodies - they always arrive on the hottest day!

Bridge building for DT

Experimenting with electricity (safely of course)

Celebrating World Book Day

In Flanders Field Remembrance recital

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We were so proud of our Year 6s as they recited 'In Flanders Field' in front of the whole school as part of our socially distanced Remembrance service. It was made even more poignant when two of our pupils read the names from the local memorial out to everyone.

Ancient Greek project work

Checking out the fabulous project work that our Year 6s have created for their topic of Ancient Greece, we all loved the creativity that everyone demonstrated.  We will add more photos of the work as projects come out of quarantine.  


Ancient Greek Lego Temple

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Amazing Magazine about Ancient Greeks

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It is not easy creating Harvest boxes under Covid-19 conditions.  However, we love a challenge in Year 6 and we've come up with some fabulous ways of making sure we still get to create beautiful boxes, cards and deliver our boxes to the community.  Have a look at the nets we designed and the fabulous artwork on some of the finished boxes.


It was fabulous that some of the Year 7s from Langtree popped back to see us (socially distanced) to tell us all about Secondary School.  

Year 7 come to visit

Investigating flora and fauna so that we can then learn how they are classified. We found lots of interesting things - ask us how about Carl Linnaeus and how we classified the class.

Class 2019-20

Creating our class book
Restless Earth presentations
Courage was in abundance at the Year 5/6 Football Tournament and we were very proud of all our pupils taking part.  Congratulations goes to our B team who won the tournament.
Helping to run a Biscuit Decorating Fundraiser for the Australian Bush Fire Fund.
What a fabulous afternoon learning all about Chromatography.  A huge thank you to Mrs Gupta for volunteering her time to come into school and for making our Science lesson really interesting, we had great fun carrying out our investigation.

Cooking Winter Soup - it was rather tasty.

During 'Healthy Week' we wanted to check which, if any, of our snacks were healthy. Whilst we learnt that some were healthy as part of a balanced diet, we were rather shocked by the amount of sugar in some of them. Come and ask us what we found out.

Learning how to add fractions.
This week our focus has been on creating our school newspaper; working hard on our typing skills.  Our sub-editors are supporting their fellow pupils well.

Our amazing Cross-Country runners.  County Champions 2019!


We used our Fitbits and other Heart rate measuring devices to measure our heart rates to see what happens to it when we exercise.
It was fabulous to spend some time with the local villagers who we had delivered Harvest boxes to earlier in the school year.  We enjoyed making cakes for them and serving them tea and coffee.  They told us some fabulous stories about what school was like back in their day.  One villager even brought a WW1 medal in for us to hold, we had never held one before.  We shall remember those stories forever.
A massive 'Thank you' to Rob, Rachel and Duncan from South Central Ambulance Service for volunteering their time to come and talk to us about being paramedics.  We learnt so much and had lots of fun exploring the ambulance.  

Oxford Schools Challenge 2019

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After a beautiful Harvest service in church we were very excited to deliver the Harvest boxes to the local community. We met some lovely people and have invited them to visit us for a cup of tea and a chat about school days in November.

Creating nets in Maths to cover our Harvest boxes

Science investigation - Do the pupils with the longest legs jump furthest? Come and ask us the answer

Working on our computer skills

Class of 2018-19

Another great Open Afternoon.  The pupils enthusiasm for their Greek projects shone through and loved sharing what they had created with so many of you.  Thank you for all the support at home as well as in school.

It's not every day that Andy Instone from Urban Strides comes to visit your class. We loved learning some new dance moves.

We will remember them!

We learnt lots at the Rail Safety assembly.  Ask us long a new GWR train is.
What a fabulous Open Afternoon!  It was lovely to share what we have learnt about Hinduism with so many of you, thank you for your support.

Learning Outside of the Classroom

Thank you to the Langtree Year 7's who came and explained how Secondary School works to our Year 6s

Making and delivering Harvest boxes

In Science we're learning how to classify living things.  We hunted around the front garden and school to see what we could find.  There were lots of insects and plants and a few spiders too!

A few of our activities so far .....

Enjoying our first breakfast together since SATs

Barbury Castle on the Ridgeway - a little art lesson before heading off to our residential

Andy Goldsworthy themed artwork

Practising our musical theatre

Celebrating World Book Week in the snow!

Learning about how light travels in our Science lessons

The question was: can you bend light?

Looking at states of matter and making rockets for Science week


Raising the Roof on the O2

What a great way to spend a Friday, singing at the O2 with over 7700 other pupils and teachers.  The Young Voices Choir sounded amazing as we ran through our repertoire of songs.  A huge thank you to all the parents who came and supported us in the evening.

Dancing, Acting, Performing, Cooking and a few Fractions.

What a week!  Not only have we been practising our recital of 'The Jabberwocky' for Sharing assembly but we have also begun our Musical Theatre sessions, learning both a dance sequence and how to act, as part of our PE lessons.  Pupils have also been busy in the kitchen creating a stunning soup to warm us up on these cold winter days.  As well as all of the measuring skills they have learnt whilst cooking, we have continued to develop our fraction knowledge (helped by the occasional chocolate bar).

Welcome back and Happy 2018!

We have begun to learn 'The Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll.  We had great fun thinking what this nonsense poem might be about and using our knowledge of language to unpick it.  We are now going to put actions to our recital.

Groovy Greeks are Great Success!

After studying Ancient Greece for the Autumn term, Willow class set up and ran our very own museum to show case all of the fabulous work we have created.  Parents and pupils from the other classes came to visit and experience the exhibits.  This included: an archaeological dig, a theatre production of the story of 'The Seasons', fashion advice on how to wear your Chiton this year, how to build the best temple, what's trending in the world of food, how to row a trireme efficiently, which Gods and Goddesses are in vogue with Zeus, the best pottery designs, how to survive mythological creatures and how education can help you avoid crime and punishment. 

Fun in the snow

It's not every day that you get to build snowmen and snow caves with your class, it was great fun.

PE Fitness Session with Year 4

Willow decided to use their new Playleader skills to put Rowan class through their paces in a fitness session.  Everyone had fun and we learnt lots about teaching sports and our own fitness levels.

How Healthy is Your Diet?

We have been looking at keeping our bodies, and minds, healthy in Science and measured out how much sugar there is in some of our foods.  We were rather shocked by the amount of sugar there is in a bottle of flavoured water.  This information has helped us make some important choices about what we eat and drink.

We will remember them!

Year 6 were proud to recite John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields' poem as part of our school memorial service on Friday.  We were joined by Reverend Linda, who helped us place the wreaths we had made, and said a prayer for all of those lost to conflict.  Our wreath was made by creating a small poppy out of our fingerprints.  We then added any family names, or photos of family members, who had fought or had died in conflicts.

A little visitor came to school so we've created a nice, safe and warm place for him to spend the winter

Running a mile!

We've begun our Mile a Day running.  Our aim is to get fitter and faster so we've timed ourselves and aim, over a Term, to get quicker!

Coding Animations

Using our Coding skills, we have created animations based on Ancient Greek myths.  Firstly, we looked at, and then wrote, scripts in our English sessions. We then used a program called 'Scratch' to make our animations. This week we were able to show our finished films in assembly.  If you would like to see them, come and visit Willow class.

Gardening Day

Willow pupils joined the rest of the school in helping to make the school grounds ready for Winter.  There was weeding, planting, tidying, moving flowerbeds and pruning to mention a few activities.  Thank you to the parents who donated bulbs and bedding plants, we look forward to the wonderful display they will make in the Spring.

A Ramble for Children in Need

16th October  - What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, walking around the beautiful countryside of Woodcote and raising money for a fabulous Charity too.

A massive thank you to the Year 7s from Langtree who came back to Woodcote to tell us what Secondary School is like and how they're getting on.


A wonderful but very busy week.  We thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the beautifully written thank you cards and emails from the residents of Woodcote, who we had delivered Harvest boxes to.  It was great to hear that all the produce they received will be put to such good use.


We also spent time outdoors looking at, and trying to catch, insects and plants so that we can sort them into the various Kingdoms in Science.  We learnt the Scientific names for many of the creatures we found and also for a lion, although we didn't find one of these!

Harvest 2017

Superstan saves the day - Year 5/6 play wows audiences

Year 6 Residential June 2017
