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Woodcote Primary School



"The curriculum is very ambitious. The school aims for all pupils to achieve highly and support each other with their well-being."

Ofsted 2024

Select the links above for more information about your child's curriculum.




At Woodcote we have high expectations of our pupils, both academically and in their behaviour. Children are provided with many opportunities for developing to their potential and are encouraged to take every opportunity they can.


Our curriculum is both broad and balanced. It provides for all the requirements of the National Curriculum plus activities encouraged particularly by our school to develop the intellectual, personal, social and physical activities with our children.



That every pupil grows in confidence and develops their self-belief. Each child will be an independent thinker with a thirst for learning, a love of curiosity and challenge.  They will be happy, healthy, proud of who they are, be polite, tolerant of others, show empathy, kindness and respect, have a sense of community and can build friendships with everyone.


Schools must provide Religious Education (RE) but parents can ask for their children to be taken out of the whole lesson or part of it.


Schools must also provide teaching in:

  • Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)
  • Sex and Relationships Education (RSE)


There is much more information available on each classes individual page, found below:


EYFS - Oak Class

Year 1 - Hornbeam Class

Year 2 - Beech Class

Year 3 - Ash Class

Year 4 - Rowan Class

Year 5 - Maple Class

Year 6 - Willow Class


At Woodcote we have high expectations of our pupils, both academically and in their behaviour. Children are provided with many opportunities for developing to their potential and are encouraged to take every opportunity they can.


We believe in the value of trips and working with visitors to help bring learning to life. We have our Bronze Learning Outside the Classroom mark from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC) which recognises the work we do and the opportunities we provide for children to make use of the world as a 'wider classroom.'


We are very keen on sport and include swimming, tag rugby, cricket, football, athletics, cross country, netball, gymnastics and dance in our curriculum and wider inter-school opportunities.   We have a huge range of extra curricular opportunities (see our clubs page).  For a number of years we have gained our Gold Award recognising each year the variety and frequency of opportunities for so many children in games and sports.  


Children will also be taught French as our Modern Foreign Language.


At Woodcote we follow the National Curriculum as set out in the following document:
