- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Friends Of Woodcote Primary (FOWPS) welcomes all new families to the school!
My name is Carla, I am mum to 3 children at WPS and also the Chairperson of the PTA. We have a fantastic core committee which includes Rachael Homer as Secretary and Rorie Tomlinson as Treasurer.
For those of you who are unsure of what the PTA is all about, basically we aim to raise money for equipment that the school cannot purchase within their budgets. So at the beginning of each school year staff members decide upon a wish list.
Last year the PTA donated £9860.46 towards the Oak play area Canopy, classroom cameras, the Yr 6 cinema trip, Playground markings, The Punch and Judy show, PE storage equipment, coaches for the whole school outing to the seaside and the Oak class Sutton Courtenay trip. The PTA also fund the “enhancing activities” at the school e.g. discos, Christmas activities, contributing to trips etc.
Every half term we hold a PTA meeting which everyone is very welcome to attend, and are normally held at a committee members’ home.
This gives us an opportunity to discuss forthcoming events, wish list and ideas. We would be glad to see new faces at any meeting and we are all really friendly and it’s a great way to meet other parents.
Throughout the year we organise events to raise funds for various projects. Some of these include a Christmas fair, school discos, the Auction of Promises, a wine tasting evening, dress down days, and the summer fair. We also provide refreshments at class concerts and events. We also support individual class fundraising by assisting with the organising of Cake sales, held each half term.
We are an extremely successful PTA, raising over £10672.22 last year. This is only possible with the support and help of parents.
We have a group of parents who are “Happy Helpers ”, those who are happy to help out for an hour or two on a stall or at an event, wrapping up etc. but don’t wish to organise or come along to the committee meetings. These really are the backbone to the PTA so please do let us know if you are interested in becoming a happy helper. You can email us on fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk.
There will also be a PTA table in the hall on parent evenings which will have a list on if you would rather sign up to “Happy Helpers ” there. All parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles are more than welcome to join the merry band.
The PTA runs the school Facebook page too. This includes details on events plus other useful messages; it would be great if you could ‘like’ it? Again it’s a great resource for new school updates, reminders about forthcoming events, and to find out what’s happening on the PTA. Finally, we all know how it feels to be a new parent at school, and I remember what it was like so if you have any general questions about school life then please also do come and find me or any other member of the PTA on the playground.
Ultimately the events we run are extremely rewarding, good fun and very social!
Many thanks. Chair of FOWPS. Woodcote Primary PTA