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Woodcote Primary School


Busy Bee Clubs

We offer a variety of Busy Bee clubs across the year, run by many of our talented staff members. Some examples are below:


KS2 Field Games

Run by Mrs Wornham


Children take part in a variety of different games using our school field. Games often include cricket, rounders, hockey and other sports where one hits a ball with a stick!


KS2 Netball

Run by Mrs Snowdon


Children use our playground and netball hoops to practice skills, learn plays and play games of netball. Each session will be sure to get the heart pumping and plenty of shots being scored!


KS1 Computing

Run by Mr Langley


Children try out a variety of what the technological world has to offer from animating drawings, coding projects and even building our own worlds using green screens!




KS2 Homework

Run by Miss McCarthy


Turn up and have a teacher support you with your homework. Pure and simple!
