- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
After a fabulous turn out at the Christmas Market , we are pleased to announce that we raised a marvellous £1684. This total will go towards various projects to improve the school. These include refurbishment of the girls toilets, staging and other equipment for school productions, and creating a vibrant and productive playground area. A huge thank you to all those who helped make this year’s Christmas Market a success through making donations, finding raffle items, setting up the stalls, working at a stall and clearing away afterwards.
Another way we raise funds is through our 100 Club. A great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter! Here’s how it works…
You complete and sign a membership form and either
– set up a Standing Order for £2 a month, or
– pay by cheque/cash at the Summer or Winter fair for the period to 31st December.
This buys you one membership number, which enters you into the monthly draw. All participants must be over 16.
A £30 draw will take place in the final assembly of each month with the exception of the two months in which the Summer and Winter fairs fall. In these months the normal draw is replaced with a special £200 draw at the fair. If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winner published in the school’s monthly newsletter.
All profits raised go to FOWPS to help fund equipment, resources and opportunities for pupils.
If all 100 numbers were taken, this would raise a stunning £1700 for the school! We still have many unsold numbers! The lucky winner of the December 100 Club £30 draw was Lorna Tappern. If you are interested in joining the 100 Club and entering the monthly draws please see Amanda Lyons for more information.
Did you know that by simply doing your shopping online via our unique link, you can raise funds for the school? Visit the school page here : http://www.schoolangel.org.uk/woodcote-primary-school.html. To raise funds for the Woodcote Primary School just click on any of the retailers listed on our page and do your shopping. All of the profit goes to help the school and you get exactly the same deal as if you had visited the retailers website direct. There is no need for you to create an account and they don’t need any of your personal details. School Angel will simply track your donation straight back to our school every time you visit!
FOWPS have an arrangement with Reading FC for discounted tickets!
You can purchase tickets for the Reading v Wolverhampton Wanderers game on Saturday 6th February 2016 via this link. The deadline for parents is Friday 22nd January 2016.
REMEMBER; for every ticket purchased the school receives 1 loyalty point and can work our way to these great rewards!
*Please note that Reading FC will post out physical tickets for all orders and all purchases will be sent to the school for verification to confirm that the child attends Woodcote Primary School. Any bookings will be void if this is proven to not be the case. If you have any questions, you can get hold of Matt Talmage directly on +44 (0) 118 968 1103 or alternatively call the Group and Events Department on 01189 681012.
As always, FOWPS is looking for helpers to help with the various fundraising initiatives we will be organising between now and the end of this school year. If you are happy to help at cake sales, the coffee shop, the summer fair, school discos or with serving teas at various school functions, please let us now. It would be amazing if everyone gave even as little as a half hour each. You can reach us on our email address fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk , speak to any of the committee or your class rep!