- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Christmas Market – Please visit our Christmas Market – TONIGHT – Friday 29th November 6.15 – 8.15pm.
The Infants and choir will be singing and we would like the children to dress in school uniform (or at least a school sweatshirt). Infants will sing at 6.20pm and the Choir will sing at 7.15pm. Please could the children go to Beech class 5 minutes before they sing.
We would strongly suggest that you walk to the school for this event if you are able to, as parking will be very difficult due to a big event being held in the Village Hall at the same time.
Raffle Tickets – If you have not yet returned your raffle tickets, sold or unsold, please bring them along to the Christmas Market so that they can be included in the raffle or sold at the Market.
Christmas Productions – Please remember these dates:
Wednesday 11th December at 2pm – Infants (Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes)
Tuesday 17th December at 7pm – Willow and Maple classes.
There will be a dress rehearsal on Monday 9th December at 2pm for the Infants Production and parents are welcome to attend this if they are unable to attend the actual production. We would also ask that if you have pre-school children that you attend this dress rehearsal rather than the performance on 11th December.
ASPENS Promotional Free Hot Meal – Thursday 5th December. Please pre-order this free meal by Monday 2nd December. Please note the offer only applies to HOT meals, not the Aspen Packed Lunch.
School Christmas Dinner – – Wednesday 11th December. Please order the Christmas Meal by Wednesday
4th December even if you have paid and your child has dinners regularly as the canteen need to know accurate numbers in advance. Please send your order and payment in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name.
School Dinner Surprises – During December there will be prizes for children if their dinner plate has a sticker on the bottom. These will only be on random plates and staff will be looking out for them as well as the children.
Earrings – Can I please remind parents that only small stud earrings may be worn in school, nothing else.
Weeding and Wading in the Wildlife Area – We are still looking for volunteers to help with clearing and re-building the wildlife area on 7th and 14th December. If you are able to volunteer for an hour or two between 10am and 4pm please email: helena.adams07@gmail.com
Langtree Santa Fun Run – 1km festive fun run for children and 5km Santa fun run for adults will take place on Sunday 1st December at 10am. For more information and to register go to: www.langtreeschool.com
Cross Country Event – The next primary school cross country event will take place at Chiltern Edge School on Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group) Further details from Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email knutt@chilternedge.oxon.sch.uk
Colouring Competition – The colouring competition sheets sent home with this newsletter may be completed and brought into the office by Thursday next week so that they can be sent to Davis Tate in Goring by Friday.
Amy Fletcher, Acting Headteacher Please see back of newsletter for FOWPS news
School Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 11th December (please return slip by Wednesday 4thDecember)
I would like to order Christmas dinner for my child/children ……………………………………
Please enclose £2.00 payment per dinner if you have not already paid and indicate if your child requires a vegetarian meal.
Signed ………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………