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Woodcote Primary School


Working from Home

Well, this is the start of what should have been an exciting half term.  Sports days, plays, summer fair, and transition to year 4.  Instead, we are either stuck at home, or confined to a bubble in school, without our friends to chat to or play with.

Working on outdoor learning, with our theme of woodlands.

We have learned how to identify the different parts of flowers. Can you name find and name them on this rose?

We also counted bees, and tried to work out the different types of flower bees like to use.

And so ends another half term, spent working at home for many. We are looking forward to a return to normal school.

Well, a new term begins, with us working individually from our sofas, dining or kitchen tables, or if we are lucky, the garden.

Coming up next week is more maths work on fractions.  So here is an idea you could try at home.

Buy a pack of Smarties.  Tip the all out on the table and work out the fractions of each colour.

Take a picture and email it in.  Afterwards you get to eat the Smarties, after all you have touched them.  You could also use Starburst, they are wrapped.


We have researched a little about St George.  Now we are going to write our version of the story.  You could look up some pictures of dragons and see how they vary in shape and colour.  Have a go at drawing one, using only colouring pencils and mark making, no shading.  Keep your pictures to share back in school.

Ideas for the holidays.

We have all been instructed to stay indoors for our own safety and that of the NHS.  So here are a few ideas that you could do inside or in your garden.


Paint or colour a picture.  Stick it on to the back of a cereal packet, and then cut it out to make a jigsaw puzzle.  Or try on line jigsaw puzzles.  There are several sites to try.  You could challenge friends or family to a time.


Get all your family to join in with Joe Wickes on his fitness YOUTUBE channel.


Find the most extreme place to complete a balance, ask an adult to take a picture and post in to the TEAMs photo folder.


Plant some sunflower seeds in a sunny corner of your garden.  Record how long they take to germinate, and measure their height once a week.  Let's see who can grow the tallest, or the one with most flowers.


Plant a potato in a pot and see if you can get it to grow.


Learn to iron your pillowcase, peel potatoes, make apple crumble, sort the laundry and work the washing machine.  Sort your recycling and put the bins out at the right time.


Keep an eye on teams, and make sure you have completed all the assignments that there up.


Most of all, have a break, and give your parents a treat.

Investigating Shadows and how they Change during the Day

Make good use of the  fine weather we are having at the moment by spending some time in your garden.

Spend 20 minutes sitting quietly watching out for all the different types of bird that visit your garden.  Can you identify the different species?  If you are having difficulty, RSPB has a good identification guide on its website.  Use your data to make a bar chart.  You could paint your favourite garden bird.  You could then do some research on your favourite garden bird an information leaflet.  Make the notes in your writing book.


Add any pictures you want. 

To link in with our work on light and shadows, and to make use of the good weather, investigate how your shadow changes during the day.

Find a spot in the sun, and ask someone to draw around  your shadow.  Mark your feet clearly.  Every hour go back and stand in the same spot and redraw your shadow.  What do you notice at the end of the day.  Remember to mark the time on your shadow.


Save your work with a picture and send it in.

Oliver Jeffers is reading one of his picture every day at 6pm.  You can catch him on his instagram account,#stayathomestorytime,  or at www.oliverjeffers/book#/abookaday. There are also some clips of him reading and talking about his work on Youtube, just search Oliver Jeffers.


Make a list of all the books he reads and you listen to, and write a short review to let others know about the story.

Keep those creative talents flowing by writing a short story based around this picture.  Copy and paste the address into your Google bar and the page should appear.



There are some questions to help with your planning, answer them first to get yourself started.

Looking forward to reading them.  Use your purple pen to self edit punctuation and spelling.

You should spend a week working on this, doing a small amount everyday and checking it through carefully before moving on to the next stage.  By Friday, you should have a finished story.

Maths to work on at home. These sheets are available on your Teams pages, too, to complete and return. Use your purple maths booke for any working out.

You should all have your own logins for work that is being posted for virtual school.  Please check that they work, and if you find it difficult to access, let the office know. 