- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
As part of ‘My Island Home’ topic this term, I have organised for Rowan Class to visit the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford on Tuesday 13th May. We will be travelling to Oxford by minibus within the school day. The children will be guided around a variety of areas within the museum throughout their visit.
Please ensure your child is wearing school uniform and brings a waterproof coat, a packed lunch including a snack and plenty to drink in resealable containers. (I have booked an indoor area within the museum for lunch time.) Please be reminded to cancel any pre-booked Aspen lunches. Please let me know if your child requires any medication for the trip (eg. inhalers, epi pens etc)
The cost of the trip will be £5.00 which includes transport & parking, a donation to the Museum and the lunch room booking fee. Please complete the permission slip below and return it to the school office with your voluntary contribution by Monday 12th May. Cheques should be paid payable to ‘Oxfordshire County Council’ and any cash should be in a sealed, named envelope.
Thank you.
Sarah Peacock
Rowan Class Teacher
Ashmolean Museum Trip – Tuesday 13th May 2014
I give permission for my child…………………………………………………………………………..to travel by minibus and take part in the above trip on Tuesday 13th May 2014.
I enclosed a voluntary contribution of £5.00 towards the cost of trip…………………………
Parent name………………………………………………………………………..