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Woodcote Primary School


Uniform Information

We expect children from Foundation to year 6 to be neat and tidy and wear school uniform.


Our children pride themselves on looking smart and representing the school positively, especially when out on school trips or at a sports fixture.


Our uniform comprises of:

  • grey trousers or a grey skirt
  • grey summer shorts or blue and white plain gingham summer dress
  • White, black or grey socks / tights


  • black shoes - no trainers 
  • Sandals should be enclosed - no open toes or heels 



    On top we expect:

    • a white polo shirt with our school logo embroidered on the left hand side
    • a sweatshirt or cardigan with the logo embroidered on the left hand side
    • a optional school fleece is also available


    For Health and Safety reasons, shoulder-length hair or longer should be tied up in a band. 

    Hair bands or ties should be small, discrete, simple, plain black, dark or navy blue.


    For PE:


    • a blue polo shirt with the logo embroidered on the left hand side and school name on the back
    • blue shorts (in winter blue/black joggers or leggings)
    • trainers and plimsolls / indoor trainers (both are required for different activities)
    • long hair must be tied back for PE



    New items of uniform can be ordered via our ParentMail Shop. 

    Orders will be delivered to the school and we will pass the order to your child or contact you when your order is ready for collection.

     If an item you require is out of stock, please email the Office -


    Pre-loved items of uniform are available from FOWPS.  Please ask a FOWPS member or the school office or attend one of our regular pre-loved sales
