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Woodcote Primary School


Oak Class Autumn curriculum letter - 20th Sept 2014

We do hope you all had a great holiday and that, like us, you are ready for lots of hard work and play as we learn in Oak class! This is the first of our termly newsletters. Please keep it to refer to as the term continues.



The foundation stage team consists of Miss Beesley (class teacher), Miss Tilbury (am’s and pm’s), Mrs Benham Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (am’s) and Mrs Kew Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (am’s). My PPA time will be on Thursday afternoons and will be covered by Miss Tilbury and she will be supported by Mr Horsley.


Working alongside you.

Starting school is an exciting, as well as tiring, new experience for your child. We know you will support and celebrate their progress with us, but there may also be moments of concern. Please do share any with us straight away and ask any questions you may have. If you wish to speak with us about anything confidentially we will be happy to make an appointment with you. Likewise, we will communicate any concerns we may have, and ask your expert advice about your child. We know the huge benefits for children’s learning and development that can be achieved when parents and teachers work together.



This terms topic will be All about Me. We will be exploring all areas of the EYFS curriculum such as painting self portraits, beginning to talk about ourselves and families, listening to others, beginning to develop pencil control and letter formation, beginning to learn phonics, learning about our bodies, how to stay healthy and safe and the effect of exercise. We will be lots of learning in a fast paced, multi sensory learning environment.


‘Things that remind us of home’ board; this is an area of wall is set aside for your child to contribute to e.g.; a ‘photo of a family occasion, something they enjoy doing at home, a ticket from a special journey, an item found on a walk, etc. Staplers/ blu tak are available on request. Do feel free to change the item as often as your child wishes.


‘Popcorn moments’ board; special popcorn shaped paper for you to record those ‘significant’ moments (e.g.: a special kindness, first time getting dressed alone, counting backwards, recognising shapes/letters/ numbers etc etc). Hand them to us and we’ll celebrate them with your child and add them to our display.


Your child’s learning journey; we would love as much information as you would like to give us. Jot things down on post-its/ bits of paper, bring them along and we’ll explain how it works.

Weds 10th September 6.30-7.30: “Meet the teacher” evening. Do come and join us to find out what we do!


Tues 21st October and Weds 22nd October 

Parents Evening. You will be able to sign up for a time slot in due course and this will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and next steps.


A few ‘housekeeping’ items:

Collecting children. If anyone other than you is collecting your child please fill in the ‘going home with’ book on the lunch trolley outside the main door, and remember to SIGN it. Without your written permission and signature we are unable to let your child go. If your child goes home with another adult on a regular basis please could you write a letter indicating which adult will be picking up on particular days and provide a photograph. If your child is to go with an adult we do not already know please introduce that person to us beforehand if possible.


Notice board. 

On the fence or wall by the brown gate there is now a whiteboard. Please refer to this each week as information will be posted on it. Thank you


School arrival and departure.

The children will now be entering and leaving school via the brown gate near the minibuses. The gate will be opened at 8.40am and a member of staff will be there to collect them. Please bear with us whilst we find a routine which best suits your children.


School lunches. 

All of your children are now entitled to a free lunch hot and cold. If you would like to take up this opportunity please talk to the office staff. If your child is having a school lunch please could you pre-order from home in advance. We are currently aiming to set up a computer within the school for those who may not have access to the internet at home. Please speak to a member of staff if you would like any help with this process. Thank you.


Packed lunches. 

Due to some children in our school community having allergies to nuts we would request that no nuts or nut products come into school in packed lunches. Thank you.



Your child needs in school every day a pair of wellingtons, kept on the wellie stand outside, a set of spare clothes in a bag on their peg, a PE kit (see below) and a personalised book bag (e.g. a keyring attached) to help your child recognise it!

Please ensure all clothing including shoes has your child’s name on, as we will be changing for PE and we put on waterproofs to go outside.


PE kits:

The children will be participating in games on Monday and Friday afternoons. During games, they will be developing their receiving and sending skills using different parts of their body to control the ball. They will then use these skills in small game situations. We will be discussing the importance and effect of exercise on our bodies.



We ask that children do not come into school wearing jewellery due to health and safety reasons. If earrings are to be worn please ensure that they are stud earrings and they are covered or taken out on PE days.


A plea! 

As far as possible can your child come to school in shoes and clothing they can do/undo themselves. We celebrate their independence in getting ready to go outside/come inside and go to the toilet on their own.


Borrowing books. 

Please borrow books from the snug area and return as often as you like. During the course of the year your children will be bringing home a restricted vocabulary book, but please do spend time sharing stories and reading to your child and make the most of wordless picture books as well as these skills can be as essential as the decoding skills they will later learn.


Friday afternoons:

On Friday afternoons 2.50- 3.10 you are welcome to come in with your children add to their learning journey and spend some time with them at a variety of activities. You are very welcome, however when the music plays we will begin tidying and gather the children on the carpet. A member of staff will be placed at the brown gate and we ask that you sign your child out at the end of the day.


Keeping in touch. 

Children will soon begin bringing home a weekly Top Tipssheet, usually sent out on Fridays which will keep you informed of what we are learning as well as our diary. Reminders are posted on the whiteboard by the gate. Remember to check your child’s tray regularly for letters as well as for art work etc



During the year we hope to make playdough on a weekly basis and welcome any voluntary contributions of £1 per child towards cost. Please put any contributions in the sweet pot which can be found on the windowsill.


Wishing you all a really good term.

The Foundation Stage Team

Miss Beesley, Miss Tilbury, Mrs Benham and Mrs Kew.
