- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
‘A happy, healthy and active life should be the birth right of every child.’ – Sport England
At Woodcote Primary School, it is our belief that a child’s enjoyment of P.E. is essential to promote their sportsmanship, future health, and their physical and mental well being. Therefore it is our intent to develop each child’s confidence and courage through building their self belief and increasing their level of activity. Children will learn that “having a go” and encouraging a positive mindset will encourage them to find their own natural strengths and foster resilience.
Children will enjoy a wide variety of games and sports at which they can find success and challenge, individually and within a team, and have the opportunity to compete at inter-school level. The P.E curriculum will provide Woodcote children with opportunities to develop and demonstrate sportsmanship, leadership and support for others, allowing all to participate and find a sport that they may carry through to their adult life.
At Woodcote Primary School, our curriculum covers a wide range of sports for children to learn and enjoy including playground games, gymnastics, dance, striking and field games, athletics, netball, football, tennis, tag rugby and yoga. Children participate in two high-quality PE lessons each week, covering two sporting activities each half term. Children also benefit from the experience of PE specialists from Kick-Off Sports.
Every day children take part in either a P.E lesson, a fifteen-minute run or movement breaks such as ‘Wake and Shake’. This helps meet the government target of all children being active for at least 60 minutes a day. Children can also participate in extra-curricular, early morning and after-school sports clubs such as yoga, netball, football, fitness club and gymnastics. We encourage children to participate in wider community events, for example competing in the Oxford Half Marathon Schools’ Challenge.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we follow the Physical Development goals set out in the Early years Foundation Stage. Children develop their fine and gross motor skills through a range of indoor and outdoor activities throughout the year.
In Key Stage 1 children learn fundamental movement skills, developing their agility, balance, and co-ordination in line with the National Curriculum. They master basic movement skills, participate in team games and begin to perform simple dance movements.
In Key Stage 2 children continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. From Year 4, our children benefit from swimming lessons; they go to the nearby Oratory School where they learn about water safety and basic swimming skills with the aim of meeting the minimum National Curriculum standard. We feel this is especially important because of our location near to the River Thames. In Years 5 and 6, children have the opportunity to participate in residential trips where they experience a range of outdoor and adventurous activities: this challenges them both individually and within a team.
At lunch playtimes our year 6 children are trained to be Play Leaders, supporting others in playground games and promoting our school ethos of learning, caring, and sharing.
Throughout the year children are encouraged to attend competitive sporting events such as cross country running competitions within the local area, competing with our partnership schools. These events aim to promote the importance of the Olympic Values and encourage children to challenge themselves and support others.
Our annual Sports Day is the highlight of the summer term. We encourage all pupils to participate in a range of track and field activities. Parents enjoy supporting the children and great fun is had by all!
Children will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports during their time at school. We will equip them with the skills they need to enjoy physical activity and to challenge themselves. They will have learnt about the important role that physical activity plays towards keeping their body and mind healthy and happy. By the time the children leave Woodcote it is our aim that they are equipped with the key skills to take responsibility for their own health and fitness throughout their lives.
As part of our Daily Run, some pupils wanted to learn to run further. We trained, built up to running 5k and attended our first ever parkrun together! We helped celebrate 75 years of the NHS and our parents who work within it.
Our Gardening Club grew fruits and vegetables as some classes were learning about eating healthy diets.
Currently we use formative assessment help to engage, support and motivate children to become confident and competent in their movements. Staff stop the class during their activities for discussions and demonstrations, giving a quick affective way to check the children’s knowledge and understanding of a task.