- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Welcome to Ash Class. We hope you and your family had a good summer. This letter will provide information about our curriculum for the next term as well as providing other general information. It is also available on the school website.
The Ash Class Team
Ash Class is taught by Mrs Welsh and Mrs Bodeker and supported by Mrs McDowell, Miss Gould, Mrs Allen and Mrs Thorne. Mrs Welsh will be teaching the children on Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Mrs Bodeker will be teaching the children on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Friday all day.
The 2014 National Curriculum
September 2014 sees the introduction of the new National Curriculum. For your information, some key changes in terminology include the renaming of areas of mathematics to include statistics and geometry. ‘Information and Communication Technology’ (ICT) has become ‘Computing’.
Writing: We begin the term by learning to tell the traditional tale of Cinderella through storytelling. This will link to our work in history as we read other versions of the well known tale. We will also be writing instructions linked to our history topic. We will continue ‘Big Writing’ where the children write independently after discussing ideas for a piece of writing. It is a fun session where we fill the room with fairy lights, listen to classical music and use ‘special’ pencils.
Spelling: Children will have regular phonics and/or spelling sessions and a weekly spelling test.
Reading: Children will take part in guided and shared reading lessons regularly. As the children become more fluent, they will focus more on comprehension skills. Please see below for information about reading at home in Ash Class and our system of reading records.
Children will be learning about a range of topics including counting, partitioning, calculating, statistics, measures, securing number facts and geometry. We will also be developing skills in solving mathematical problems.
Before half term, our topic is ‘Rocks and Soils’.
Our history topic for this term is ‘Ancient Egyptians’. We have an Egyptian workshop booked in school for November, details of which will follow later.
In PE this half term we will be learning net and wall games. After half term we will be moving on to gymnastics. PE will usually take place on a Thursday and Friday but it is very important that children have a PE kit in school all week in case the day is changed for any reason. If possible, please provide jogging bottoms and trainers for outdoor PE, and shorts and plimsolls for indoor PE, as well as a change of socks. Please ensure PE kits are fully labelled. Earrings will need to be removed for PE or covered with tape (please provide this if necessary).
In RE this term children will be looking at Harvest and Creation Stories.
Reading at home
Children will bring a book home to read every day and it is expected that, as part of their weekly homework, children will read with an adult at home regularly (at least 5 times per week). They will also be bringing home a Reading Record which has a space for adults to write the date and a comment after reading. It also has a range of activities to complete to enhance book discussion and enjoyment. Children should choose one of these to complete each week and do so in discussion with an adult.
Books will be changed when necessary with an adult in school. Sometimes, children may bring home a book they have finished to read again as this will develop their confidence, however this depends on the book.
A separate letter has been sent out providing more information about reading at home.
Homework is a very important part of school life and it is expected that children will spend an hour a week completing homework (this can be spread over more than one day). It will consist of reading with an adult and completing one activity in your reading diary, spellings and number facts to learn, and an investigation, activity or project (sometimes a project may run for the whole of a half term). Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday unless otherwise stated. Spellings will usually be tested on Thursdays.
Break snacks
Now the children are in Key Stage Two, they do not have snacks provided at morning break. Therefore, please provide a piece of fruit/vegetable for a snack if you are not already doing so.
Additional information
Please provide children with a labelled water bottle for them to keep on their desks.
Pencil cases will not be required as all necessary equipment is provided.
Finally, please do not hesitate to come in and see us if you have any concerns.
Yours sincerely,
The Ash Class Team