- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday 5th November Rowan Class will be visiting the Oxford University Natural History Museum. We will be traveling by train from Goring Station as we are unable to park our minibuses anywhere near the Museum due to several road works and car park closures. The return train will get into Goring from Oxford at 3.45pm. Please collect your children from the front of the station at this time. Please let the Rowan staff know if your child will need returning to the After School Club. A confirmation list will be available in the classroom after half term.
The children will need to wear normal school uniform, with a coat, and bring a packed lunch including drinks, snacks and lunch. (Please be aware of our no nuts policy and ensure your child’s drink is resealable.)
The cost of the trip, which only includes the travel, is £4.00. Please sign the permission slip below and return it to the school office with your voluntary contribution in a sealed, clearly marked envelope by Monday 3rd November.
Please remember to cancel Aspen lunches by 9am and also alert any music teachers of your child’s absence.
Thank you.
The Rowan Class Team.
Oxford University Natural History Museum – Wednesday 5th November.
I give my permission for my child …………………………………………………………to travel by train to Oxford and to visit the Oxford Natural History Museum. Please tick your preference for drop off below.
My child will travel by school minibus to the station and will be at school by 8.30am
I will take my child and meet Rowan Staff at Goring Station by 8.50am
I enclose a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of the trip of £4.00
I will inform the staff of any medication required (ie. Inhalers, epipens)
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………………….Date…………………….