- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Here are a few commonly asked questions and their answers . We hope these will help you find what you are looking for. If not, please feel free to contact the school office.
Here are a few commonly asked questions and their answers . We hope these will help you find what you are looking for. If not, please feel free to contact the school office.
What time does school start?
Registration is at 8:50.
What time does school finish?
School finishes at 3:15
How can I pay for School Dinners?
Pre book and pay for school lunches via Aspens on line system. If you have access to the internet – you can log on to the site and sign up to your own account, and register your child/children’s details.
You can then go through the menu and pre select meals for the days you choose. Payments are taken via PayPal with credit & debit card and PayPal accounts. There is a minimum order to the value of 5 meals. The cost of dinners is currently £2.05 per meal.
Please sign up for the Aspens Online ordering and payment service, please use the link below.
Any problems, contact the Aspens Team : 01491682783
How do I pay for school trips?
Please use your Parent Pay login to pay for trips. You will receive notification via email or a printed bar-coded letter will be sent with your child. Use your online access to pay online or use your bar-coded letter to pay at any local pay point ( Co-Op offers this service)
How well is my child doing at school?
The staff are always happy to talk to you about your child. These discussions often arise spontaneously when you visit school to bring or collect your child. When you feel you would like a more detailed and confidential discussion, you are welcome to make an appointment with your child’s teacher who will arrange to see you as soon as possible, usually at the end of a school day.
How does the book borrowing system work?
We will assess the pupils to find out which coloured book band they should be borrowing books from. Your child will choose a book from within that band to bring home.We will change your child’s book in class. If you feel that a book needs changing sooner, please ask your class teacher or teaching assistant.
Where can I find out about term dates?
Please take a look at the School Events area of a calendar. Information about terms dates, holidays and inset days are listed there.
Where can I buy uniform with the school logo on it?
Please order your logo-ed uniform items directly from the school office.There are order forms in the foyer. Cash or cheque payment required.
Why does my child do homework?
Homework is an integral part of the curriculum. It is given at least once each week in all classes and the activities are linked to current work taking place in the class at that time. The quantity of homework given depends on the age of the children.
We ask that all children, however old, read regularly to an adult at home. It has been shown through research that when parents read to their child on a regular basis and listen to him/ her read three or four times a week , the child’s progress in reading is greatly enhanced.
Can I help at the school?
We are always pleased to discuss the possibility of parents helping within the school. We consider that it is valuable for the children to meet a variety of adults with whom they can work and share experiences. We can use a wide variety of skills and all we ask is that you enjoy being with children (not just your own) and are a willing learner.
At any time many parents are involved in school activities on a voluntary basis, working with groups of children under the close guidance and control of the class teachers. Activities in which parents are involved include hearing children read, cooking, French conversation practice, art and craft work, science and after school clubs.
How do we use the reading diary?
The reading diary is intended to be brought in and out of school each day. We hope that, as you read each evening with your child, you will write a comment in the book. Each child will be heard reading their book at least once a week with an adult in school and you should receive a comment from them.