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Woodcote Primary School


PE and Sport Premium

In September 2013 the Government introduced the PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools. This initiative was put in place to provide sustainable high quality sport and PE for our children.


At Woodcote we believe we provide a wide variety of high quality sport at both a competitive and non-competitive level. 


Below are the documents showing how we have spent the funding each year and some information on how we will spend our allocation in the coming year.



Every KS2 child is given swimming lessons at The Oratory School by our proficient Swim England Coaches.

They are taught to Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

In July 2024 88% of Year 6 children achieved this.


Oxford Schools' Challenge 2024

Oxford Schools Challenge 2019

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