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Woodcote Primary School


Diary Dates/ Other Notices - 5th Sept 2012

Here are a few dates/notices to keep in your diary.


PE kits need to be in school on a Monday and a Wednesday.


Children are able to change their 'Sharing Books' daily in the school library (in the white building where Beech and Ash class are situated).


Children will be given a chance to visit the Public Library every Thursday. They are allowed to borrow three books a week.


The ‘Sharing Sack’ will  go home with a different child each week (Friday) and must be returned to school on Monday. You will know if your child has been picked if you receive a letter.


The ‘Mystery Bag’ will be sent home with a different child each day. This needs to be returned to school the next day with a maximum of two items inside.


On Friday mornings (8:40am-8:50am) parents are welcome to come into class to view their child’s ‘Learning Journey’ folder.


In addition to the school’s system of team points, children in Oak Class can earn other rewards for good behaviour, effort and work.  Every week I will choose ‘Stars of the Week’. These will be given to children who have worked particularly well through out the week. The over all 'Class Star of the Week' will be given a star trophy to take home. 'Stars of the week' are awarded on Friday morning and the trophy will need to returned on Monday morning. Parent's can see who has been given a 'Star' by looking at the classroom window facing the playground. Stars will be displayed in the window with the children's picture on. 
