- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
At Woodcote Primary School it is our intent that children will learn a Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in order to develop an appreciation at an early stage. They will be able to master the basics of the language both in verbal and written forms such that they can understand and communicate with others in a foreign language. Through this they will, develop an understanding of another culture, its language and everyday people and begin to understand how they fit within a multicultural world.
At Woodcote Primary School, we have staff with a high standard of knowledge and use of French. Therefore we teach French to all of KS2. In KS1 we begin to listen to the language and learn through songs and experiences. We make use of Language Angels to provide high quality resources including videos to enhance the teaching of French.
The children use multi-sensory tools such as videos from French children, songs and movement and games to enable learning. For example they have actions for common verbs and use hop-scotch for numbers.
We make use of well known books to embed the language more easily, such as "The Hungry Caterpillar" for looking at fruits.
Year 6 hold a French Cafe for parents, for which they create the menu and send out invitations. During the afternoon they speak entirely in French, wait the tables, taking orders for croissants and coffee. They take payments in Euros only.
| Autumn | Spring | Summer | Threaded across all years |
Year 3 | All about Me. Conversational Greetings! Presenting oneself to another Basic Family members
| Developing numbers What age am I? Basic Questioning
| Pets Classroom Instructions and responses Basic Body Parts | Months and dates
Increased use of good pronunciation
French celebrations
Simple French songs and rhymes
Year 4 | Refresh Family Members French Culture Where in France?
| More concentration of grammar: gender and plurals to refresh year 3 work
| French Foods | |
Year 5 | Refresh Conversational Greetings and take these into written forms
French classrooms: subjects, items in the pencil case (Revision of grammar from year 4)
| Telling the time, school timetables Numbers to 100 | Weather, Transport and how we travel to school, directions | |
Year 6 | Refresh earlier years Written work to introduce yourself to someone
| Learn to write and send an email in French
| Order French food Shopping Use of Euros
The children from Woodcote Primary School are well prepared for their transition to Secondary School French. They have an appreciation of language constructs and how these compare with English. They can converse in French in order to introduce themselves and answer greetings. They can write simple paragraphs about their families or school. They have an opportunity to explore the culture and what it is like to be a pupil in France today. They appreciate aspects of the geography and culture of France and how that both merges and stands apart from the English way of life.
Overall, they have an enjoyment of exploring another language, a confidence to speak, write and read in another language and a desire to continue this in the next phase of their education.
Pupils are given both written and verbal feedback. Teachers make use of skilled questioning throughout the lesson and also use discussion in lessons to provide informal assessment opportunities to assess individual and whole-class understanding. Small assessment tasks are set throughout the year for written assessment. The French co-ordinator speaks with pupils to assess learning and enjoyment and monitors French books regularly to ensure the curriculum is taught consistently across the school and that skills are covered.