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Woodcote Primary School


Rowan Class Autumn curriculum letter - 20th Sept 2014

Welcome to the start of a new year, with all the unique possibilities that it brings with it. As you will already have found, there are also some changes, and as we go through the year, more will happen. We hope these will benefit the children, and will keep an eye on any impact they have.


This letter sets out to inform you of the overall plan for the term. Our key topic is The Romans, particularly their effect on Britain. I have booked a trip to Fishbourne Villa on September 24th to learn more, and a letter will follow in due course. In science, we will look at electricity, and carry out some practical investigations; we will also be investigating ‘a bug’s life’ and work in the school grounds to deepen our understanding of minibeast life cycles and their habitats. Again, I have planned a trip to support this, to the Oxford Natural History Museum, in November. We will attempt to make a variety of bug hotels to place in the wildlife area and gardens as part of design and technology.


In maths we will continue to extend children’s ability to calculate with ever bigger numbers, fractions and decimals, build the language skills and vocabulary knowledge to improve problem solving, and work on “algebra and statistics”. Times tables are key to success, and support for learning these will be crucial. In English, we will read daily, practice handwriting, learn spellings, and work on grammar. There will be time for writing and extended writing tasks to allow children to practice what they have been learning.


PE is hockey and gym, and will be on Monday and Tuesday this term. Please ensure that kit is in school, hair is tied back, and that no jewellery is worn. Children must be responsible for removal of ear-rings, or provide tape for themselves.


Homework will be set on Mondays, and is to be returned the following Monday. It will be marked and returned during the following week. Homework is compulsory, and should be about 20 minutes per night. You will find a range of tasks set, some of which will be quick, others may take several sessions. Reading together at home is expected, and you have already seen the diaries we have introduced for you to record in. Your child will have a cover sheet with the tasks clearly set out. Any comments from you as to how you found the tasks are always welcome on the sheet when you return the homework.


If you have any questions regarding the term, please feel free to speak to me or Mrs Kew or Mrs Rasmussen in the mornings.


Thank you, and I look forward to working with you and your child.

Mrs S Peacock
