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Woodcote Primary School


What will we be learning about in Oak Class this half term? - 24th Feb 2014

Our topic for this half term is titled Growing


In Personal Social and Emotional development the children are going to be encouraged in circle times to express how they feel.  The children are going to  learn to listen to one another and to take each others feelings in to account.


In Understanding the World the children will be looking at how plants grow. We will be planting a range of plants in our garden.


In Communication Language and Literacy the children are going to learn how to blend sounds that they have learnt. Children will read banded books in class on a regular basis.

The children  are going to be taught how to form letters correctly and will be encouraged to start writing stories. The first story we will be looking at is ‘The Enormous Turnip’.


In Maths we will be learning to add and subtract. We will also be identifying different 2D shapes and describing their properties. 


In Expressive Arts the children will be using a range of media to create  flowers and plants.
