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Woodcote Primary School


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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Newsletter 25 November 2011

    Thu 24 Nov 2011

    Children in Need – The total amount raised this year was £191.40.  Oak class held an open morning when they raised £89.40, we raised £80.00 from the children who dressed in pink or green and £22.00 from the colouring competition.  Well done to Lucy Ball, Kerry Bridges, Amy Allen and Jasmine Maloney, all in Year 5, for organising a colouring competition to raise money for Children in Need.  It’s great to see children use their initiative to support a good cause.  They did very well to raise £22.00.


    Emergency Closure – In the event of bad weather any closure or late opening will be announced on the radio by 8.00am, earlier if possible (BBC Radio Oxford and Heart FM Oxfordshire) and will appear on their websites. We will also inform the Woodcote and Cabin Preschools.


    We will notify parents of opening/closing on our school website:

    School closures are also listed on the County website:


    Please note that our decision to open or close is not dependent on what Langtree do.  Our circumstances are quite different in terms of staffing, numbers of pupils and transport.  However, if Langtree close, we would ask that your child brings a packed lunch.  If you are unable to do this we will provide your child with soup and bread.

    If we do open during adverse weather conditions and your child is booked into After School Club, you should check with the school to see whether this is running as normal.


    Macbeth Yr 5/6 Production – Well done to all our Year 5 and 6 pupils for their fantastic performance of William Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’.  There were some excellent acting and singing performances, and it was great to see children perform with enthusiasm and confidence.  A big thank you to all the staff who helped with preparations for the performance  and the performance itself.  A particularly big thank you to Mrs Lecorgne and Mr Morris who directed and produced the play.  Thank you also to FOWPS for providing mulled wine and mince pies for parents before the production.


    School Christmas Dinner – A reminder that if you wish your child/children to have Christmas Dinner on Thursday 8th December, that these must be ordered by Friday 2nd December.  All dinners need to be booked in advance (even those who regularly have dinners) so that the caterers know the numbers in advance. The cost remains the same at £1.85 per child. If you have lost the letter which was sent out last week please phone or call into the office to book a Christmas Dinner for your child.


    Absence from school – A reminder that if your child is unable to attend school due to illness or for any other reason, that we need you to telephone the school to let us know the reason otherwise the absence may be marked in the register as unauthorised.


    Nestlé Box Tops – Please bring in your box top tokens next week as we need to send them off.  So far we have raised £50.60 since September.


    Chiltern Edge Holiday Club – During the week before Christmas,  Chiltern Edge School are providing a Holiday Club.  There will be five days to choose from including favourites, such as Film Making, Forest Fun. Arts & Crafts, Drama, Multisports, Judo and Creative Cookery as well as two brand new sessions; Archery (aged 9yrs +) and Street Dance.


    Bookings will be taken from  Monday 21st November on a strictly first come first served basis. To reserve your place, download the booking form online at  For any queries, please contact Brenda McNulty on 01189 721500 or email


  • Keep out those winter chills!

    Wed 23 Nov 2011

    Please dress your child in warm clothing.


    A quick reminder to all parents to take extra care at this time of year and to dress your children in warm clothing as the weather is now getting colder.


    Hats, gloves and scarves, a warm winter coat or fleece, as well as wellies for wet days, should be available to your child for wearing at breaktimes and for any outdoor activities.


    Please remember to label any clothing items clearly with your child’s name so that any misplaced items can be returned easily.

    For any school uniform items you may need, please contact the school office.

  • Newsletter 17 November 2011

    Thu 17 Nov 2011

    Football – This week our Year 5 and 6 football team played a friendly match against Goring Primary. 


    This proved to be a very difficult game as Goring had a very strong team.  Despite losing by 6 goals the team kept their heads up and never gave up.  Well done to Tom Ostridge, Harry Hogan, Jack Clark, Adam Wise, Dawson Powell, Sam Taylor and Josh Wiltshire.


    Team Point Trophy – Well done to both Kestrels and Owls last week for acquiring the most team points over the week.  Both teams acquired 241 points.


    Anti-bullying Week – Thank you to Mrs Bodeker for organising anti-bullying week.  Classes took part in a range of activities this week, reinforcing the National message this year ‘stop and think – words can hurt’


    Website – The school now has a new website at the following address:

    Parents will be able to access a whole range of information regarding school events, activities, news, term dates, policy documents, assessment data, as well as relevant class information.  The Head’s newsletter and weekly newsletter will also be available.  Thank you to Mrs Van Heerden, one of our parents, who has worked hard to create the site for us.


    Nut Allergy – Can I please remind everyone not to include in snacks or packed lunches anything containing nuts as we have a child in school who is allergic to nuts.


    Macbeth Yr 5/6 Production – Dress Rehearsal will take place at 1.30 on Monday 21st November.  This will be a performance to the 

    school and for any parents who cannot attend the evening performance.


    Evening Performance:  Drinks will be available in Maple class from 6.15, the performance begins at 7.00pm.  Any children in Year 5/6 need to be in Willow Class by 6.15pm.  We will be collecting donations after the performance towards permanent lighting for future performances.


    School Christmas Dinner – This will be on Thursday 8th December.  With this newsletter you should receive a menu for this year’s Christmas Dinner, on the bottom of which is a slip which should be returned to school by Friday 2nd December to book dinners for your child/children.  All dinners need to be booked in advance (even those who regularly have dinners) so that the caterers know the numbers in advance. The cost remains the same at £1.85 per child.


    Cabin Pre-School – The Cabin Preschool has a vacancy for a childcare assistant, two mornings a week from January 2012. If interested an advert is displayed in the Cabin window or pop into Cabin for more information.  Tracy Allaway is leaving Cabin at the end of this term.  As many of those children who attended Cabin know Tracy well and still chat over the fence, we thought you might like to write in her leaving card. Pop over at the end of the day (not on a Tuesday or Thursday as she is working then) or email a small line to online pharmacy no prescription and I will happily add it to her card.  


    Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets – Please send in counterfoils and money from the raffle tickets sent out last week and also any unsold raffle tickets by Friday 25th November

  • Governors Meeting Dates

    Wed 16 Nov 2011

    Upcoming dates for Governors meetings in 2012 are as follows.


    •  Thursday January 26th
    • Thursday April 26th
    • Thursday June 28th

    For more information contact:

  • Newsletter 10 November 2011

    Thu 10 Nov 2011

    Football – On Monday our Year 5 and 6 football team played their first 7-a-side league game away to Chalgrove Primary School. 


    We managed to keep the score to 0-0 in the first half, but in the second half, a slightly stronger performance from Chalgrove saw them come out as 3-0 winners.  It was a good effort for their first game.  Well done to Jack Clark, Harry Hogan, Dawson Powell, Josh Wiltshire, Josh Palmer, Adam Wise, Sam Taylor and Tom Ostridge.


    Anti-bullying week – After Maths week this week, next week we will be supporting the National Anti-bullying week.  Children will take part in a range of cross curricular activities and competitions to reinforce the theme and the main message this year ‘Stop and think – words can hurt’.  The school and staff will use this week to review the anti-bullying policy.


    On Friday next week we are asking you please to send your child to school wearing something pink or green with their uniform.  This could be a change of sweater or a pair of socks but no hair dye please.  Children then pay 50p which will go towards Children in Need.  If you have any questions, please ask Mrs Bodeker.


    Parking – The police have asked us to remind parents that they should not park on the Reading Road opposite the Church Farm Road, as this causes problems for other road users at this junction.  The Parish Council supports this request.


    Packed Lunches – Please can we remind you to include spoons 

    in your child’s lunchbox if they have yoghurts or pasta as we do not have spare spoons to hand out.


    Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets – With this newsletter you should receive some raffle tickets.  The ‘not such good news’ is that tickets are now 50p each. The ‘GOOD NEWS’ is that you have less books to sell! That means less counterfoils to fill in (and less for me to fold!!) Less tickets printed means a saving of nearly £20. JRS Services are generously sponsoring the printing costs. All prizes, of which there are many, are donated. This means that 100% of the money from ticket sales goes to school funds. If you would be willing to sell more tickets, please put a note in with your returned counterfoils. Thank you, Sandra Farmer.

  • Newsletter 3 November 2011

    Thu 03 Nov 2011

    Year 3 and 4 Football– Before half term we competed in a girls’ 5-a-side football tournament, and a boys 7-a-side tournament at Langtree. Both teams competed well against local schools and both finished third in thier competitions. For the girls, well done to Chloe page, Gemma Botham, Kimberley Gough, Amy Lissenden, Danielle Thatcher and Georgina Benham.


    Maths Week– Next week is Maths Week when children throughout the school will be engaging in a range of mathematical activities across the curriculum. On Friday 11th November parents are invited to come into school at 2:30pm and be presented with practical maths tasks to complete whcih will be set by Year 6 pupils. Parents should meet Year 6 pupils in the main hall. This is open to all parents not just those from Year 6.


    Samaritan Purse Shoeboxes– if you wish to take part inthis appeal. Please fill a shoebox as instructed in the leaflet given out before half term, make your donation (a minimum of £2.50 is requested) and bring your box into the school office next week as these are being collected next Friday 11th November.


    Poppies– These will be available for the children from Monday next week if they would like to bring a donation.


    Wine (and Beer) Tasting Evening– On Friday 11th november the Cabin Pre-school are having a wine and beer tasting evening in the village hall. Tickets are £10 and can be obtained from the Cabin.

  • Rainbow Children’s Centre

    Tue 01 Nov 2011

    Children’s Centres are one stop shops for all young children between the ages of 0-5 with their mums, dads, childminders and other carers. 


    They are a place to play and have fun with your children and to get information along with specialist support and advice.   They also give parents and carers an opportunity to relax and share good company.  The Rainbow Children’s Centre provide a range of services, free of charge, so just drop in to either the Sonning Common Children’s Centre in Reades Lane (Chiltern Edge School site), or the Henley Children’s Centre at d:two in the Market Place. 

    We look forward to seeing you soon!


    Please find attached our Activity Timetables for December covering both Henley and the Sonning Common area.


    Please note that the Sonning Common centre will be closed from 23rd December through to January 3rd with the exception of a Stay & Play session running on the 28th December at the Reades Lane site.

    The Henley centre will be closed for Christmas bank holidays and 28th December.  However a Stay & Play session will run as normal on 29th December.


    For more information, Please contact:

    Chris Ullah or

    Anne Byron
