- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Football – This week our Year 5 and 6 football team played a friendly match against Goring Primary.
This proved to be a very difficult game as Goring had a very strong team. Despite losing by 6 goals the team kept their heads up and never gave up. Well done to Tom Ostridge, Harry Hogan, Jack Clark, Adam Wise, Dawson Powell, Sam Taylor and Josh Wiltshire.
Team Point Trophy – Well done to both Kestrels and Owls last week for acquiring the most team points over the week. Both teams acquired 241 points.
Anti-bullying Week – Thank you to Mrs Bodeker for organising anti-bullying week. Classes took part in a range of activities this week, reinforcing the National message this year ‘stop and think – words can hurt’
Website – The school now has a new website at the following address: www.woodcote-primary.co.uk
Parents will be able to access a whole range of information regarding school events, activities, news, term dates, policy documents, assessment data, as well as relevant class information. The Head’s newsletter and weekly newsletter will also be available. Thank you to Mrs Van Heerden, one of our parents, who has worked hard to create the site for us.
Nut Allergy – Can I please remind everyone not to include in snacks or packed lunches anything containing nuts as we have a child in school who is allergic to nuts.
Macbeth Yr 5/6 Production – Dress Rehearsal will take place at 1.30 on Monday 21st November. This will be a performance to the
school and for any parents who cannot attend the evening performance.
Evening Performance: Drinks will be available in Maple class from 6.15, the performance begins at 7.00pm. Any children in Year 5/6 need to be in Willow Class by 6.15pm. We will be collecting donations after the performance towards permanent lighting for future performances.
School Christmas Dinner – This will be on Thursday 8th December. With this newsletter you should receive a menu for this year’s Christmas Dinner, on the bottom of which is a slip which should be returned to school by Friday 2nd December to book dinners for your child/children. All dinners need to be booked in advance (even those who regularly have dinners) so that the caterers know the numbers in advance. The cost remains the same at £1.85 per child.
Cabin Pre-School – The Cabin Preschool has a vacancy for a childcare assistant, two mornings a week from January 2012. If interested an advert is displayed in the Cabin window or pop into Cabin for more information. Tracy Allaway is leaving Cabin at the end of this term. As many of those children who attended Cabin know Tracy well and still chat over the fence, we thought you might like to write in her leaving card. Pop over at the end of the day (not on a Tuesday or Thursday as she is working then) or email a small line to info@thecabinpreschool.co.uk online pharmacy no prescription and I will happily add it to her card.
Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets – Please send in counterfoils and money from the raffle tickets sent out last week and also any unsold raffle tickets by Friday 25th November