- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Year 3 and 4 Football– Before half term we competed in a girls’ 5-a-side football tournament, and a boys 7-a-side tournament at Langtree. Both teams competed well against local schools and both finished third in thier competitions. For the girls, well done to Chloe page, Gemma Botham, Kimberley Gough, Amy Lissenden, Danielle Thatcher and Georgina Benham.
Maths Week– Next week is Maths Week when children throughout the school will be engaging in a range of mathematical activities across the curriculum. On Friday 11th November parents are invited to come into school at 2:30pm and be presented with practical maths tasks to complete whcih will be set by Year 6 pupils. Parents should meet Year 6 pupils in the main hall. This is open to all parents not just those from Year 6.
Samaritan Purse Shoeboxes– if you wish to take part inthis appeal. Please fill a shoebox as instructed in the leaflet given out before half term, make your donation (a minimum of £2.50 is requested) and bring your box into the school office next week as these are being collected next Friday 11th November.
Poppies– These will be available for the children from Monday next week if they would like to bring a donation.
Wine (and Beer) Tasting Evening– On Friday 11th november the Cabin Pre-school are having a wine and beer tasting evening in the village hall. Tickets are £10 and can be obtained from the Cabin.