- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Dear Parents,
The school council have organised a cinema evening on Friday 16th January. Children are invited to arrive at Willow Year 6 Classroom at the end of the school day and will need to be collected at 6pm after the film. Please note that children not yet 5 years old will have to be accompanied by a parent or other appropriate adult during the film.
The chosen film will be ‘Rio 2’ which has a ‘U’ rating. A drink and popcorn will be provided. The cost per child is £2.50 and the money raised will go to the school. There will be no entry unless payment is received in advance.
If your child would like to stay and watch the film on Friday please complete the slip below, indicating whether your child can have a drink and popcorn, then return it to the school office with your payment in cash, by Thursday 15th January. (No cheques please)
Thank you from the School Council.
Woodcote Primary School
Cinema Evening
Willow Year 6 Classroom on Friday 16th January from 3.20pm – 6pm.
I give my permission for my child …………………………..……Class Name……………………… to come to watch ‘Rio 2’ at Woodcote Primary School, Willow Classroom on the above day.
My child is allowed to have a drink of water or fruit squash (please indicate preference) and popcorn (yes / no).
Name of person to collect your child at 6pm…………………………………………………………..
Emergency contact number of person collecting your child…………………………………………..
Does your child have an epi pen/inhaler in school? yes / no
Cost of cinema evening: £2.50
For Oak Class Parents:
My child is under 5. The name of the adult attending with them is……………………………………
Signed……………………………………………………Name Printed……………………………………………