- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Late arrivals – when a child arrives late for school in the morning, the impact is significant. Registers are taken at 8.50am and completed by 9am. If your child is late to class, the teacher has to delay the start or even stop the lesson, which starts at 9am, and register the child’s arrival. The interruption breaks the established concentration among the children and the teacher has to refocus their attention and restart the lesson. A certain amount of time is allocated during the morning for curriculum learning. A late child can have a detrimental effect on this teaching time. Please ensure your child is arriving at school from 8.40am when the gate opens, and is in their classroom by 8.50am for registration and ready to start lessons promptly at 9am. Thank you for your support.
Sports for Schools – Please could all children be sure to have their PE kits in school on Monday morning as we’re excited to be welcoming GB Athlete Luke Lennon-Ford to school during the afternoon of Tuesday 02 February! Luke Lennon-Ford will be leading some energetic fitness circuits with the children and hosting an assembly with a Q&A session to help inspire the children into more sport and exercise. We’re asking the school community to help by sponsoring the children to complete the fitness circuits in order to raise money for Woodcote Primary School to buy more sports equipment.
There are two easy ways to sponsor the children: using paper sponsorship form that your child will have brought home (more spare copies in the office), or just as easy, it takes a few minutes to create an online fundraising page for your child at www.sportsforschools.org/event/RG229 link. Thank you for your support.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids – vouchers will be available in store from 27th January – 3rd May 2016. Please collect these for our school and bring them to the Foyer to post in the collection box or post them through our post box. Please do not staple them together. The more vouchers are collected, the more we can spend on additional resources for school. Over the years we have bought playground equipment, such as stilts and skipping ropes, and gym equipment too..
Library Event – there will be a ‘Harry Potter Book Night’ on Thursday 4th February 5.30pm – 6.30pm in the Woodcote Community Library. The dress code is Wizarding robes or Harry Potter fancy dress. Free tickets are available from the library. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Cabin Pre-School – a fundraising quiz night has been organised at the Red Lion, in Woodcote, on Wednesday 17th February at 8pm. It would be great to see you there! Quiz teams need to book tables in advance with the Red Lion on 01491 680483. Complimentary food is available for those taking part. They will be donating all profits from the night to the Cabin Pre School. A Super prize draw will also be taking place on the night. Tickets are available for £1 from Cabin parents, from the Red Lion or direct from the Cabin!
Coffee Shop – FOWPS are holding a fundraising coffee shop at the Community Centre/Lion’s Den on Saturday February 6th. If you are able to help for the morning or are able to bake a cake or biscuits please let a member of FOWPS know or leave your name in the office.