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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter Week Ending 26 June 2015

Sports Day – thank you to all the parents who came along and supported their children (and helped with the furniture moving!) The Team of Eagles won the events overall, beating Hawks by just 8 points. Kestrels were third place, Owls fourth and Red Kites fifth. Well done to all the children for taking part and supporting their classmates and team members.


Year 5 & Year 6 Production (Olivia) – the children will have a dress rehearsal of their play for the school on Monday 29 June at 1.30pm. There is an evening performance on Tuesday 30 June at 6.30pm and on Wednesday 1 July at 1.30pm. These are ticketed events and we can only admit those with tickets due to the space restrictions in the school hall, imposed by Fire Regulations.


After School Club(ASC) – as some parents may be aware, the current ASC parents have now received their priority booking forms for places for September 2015. If there are any parents that would like to book a child in, or may be thinking of going back to work, or just need childcare whilst they attend an appointment, please come and visit us. The ASC takes place in the school hall from 3.15pm to 6pm each day. A completed registration form needs to be completed before a child can attend. At the moment ASC have spaces each day so please get in touch if you would like to book a space.

Telephone: 07732 382 928 or email


Challenge Summer Reading – Woodcote Library are holding a Summer Reading Challenge Record Breakers 2015. The challenge is to read 6 library books, between Saturday 11th July and Saturday 12th September, collecting rewards as you work your way around the different categories. Ask at the library for your Record Breakers poster to start your journey. Visit their website


Iinkai Judo – the last session this term takes place on Thursday 2 July. The new sessions start on Thursday 24th September 2015.


INSET day –Friday 3 July. The school will be closed for children.

For further Term Dates please follow link: Term Dates 2015-16


FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 26 June 2015                                     

‘Wimbledon’ Summer Fair – Today 26 June – 5 – 8pm. Please come along to see the children sing. KS1 children at 5.30pm, Lower Key Stage 2 (Yrs 3 & 4)) at 6.00pm & Upper Key Stage 2 (Yr 5 & 6) at 6.30pm.


Woodcote Rally – If you are able to help out as a marshal at the rally on behalf of the school please email us. ( Last year we received a very generous donation of £750, partly in reflection of our ongoing supply of helpers.


Committee Members – If you are thinking about joining the FOWPS committee (or even if you would like to know a bit more about us) please email. We will be looking for new members in the autumn at our AGM.
