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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter week ending 10 July 2015

Class Photo Orders – please return your orders by Tuesday 14th July, with exact payment enclosed, in the sealed Tempest envelope. Any orders not returned by this time can still be sent to Tempest directly, by parents, however you will incur an additional charge. The photos will be back to school at the start of next term.


Street Dance – there will be one more Street Dance session for the children after Friday 17 July. It will be on Friday 4th September at 8am. There will be the chance to rebook for the new term’s sessions.


Elms Sports Camp – week commencing 27th July (Monday to Thursdays for 3 weeks). The first week is fully booked now and the second week has a few spaces. The last week has many more spaces so please contact The Elms booking hotline if you would like to book your child into their summer sports camp. Please see attached or collect a leaflet from the Foyer.


Summer Running – during the summer holidays some parents are organising a casual running club. It will take place each Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8.30 – 9.30am on the village Rec. Please see the attachment for more details or pop into the Foyer to collect the letter.


Printer Cartridges – if parents have any used printer cartridges that need recycling, please bring them to the school office. We can earn some money for the school by sending them to be recycled. Thank you.


Missing – a plastic water container, stored behind the wooden shed at the very front of school during the Summer Fayre, went missing afterwards. If anyone knows where it is, please can they contact Claire Dow directly or via the office.


Willow BBQ – Wednesday 15 July – 6.30pm in School. The Yr 6 children have organised the food so please ask them what it is that needs to be provided.


Year 6 Leavers Assembly –9.30-10am on Thursday 16th July. Willow class parents welcome.


End of term – the end of the school year is on Friday 17th July at 1pm. There will be no After School Club.


FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 10 July 2015                          


Dress Down – Friday 17th July will be a dress down day. If your child would like to join in they should bring in £1 on the day and hand it to their teacher.


Woodcote Rally – If you are able to help out as a marshal at the rally on behalf of the school please email us. ( Last year we received a very generous donation of £750, partly in reflection of our ongoing supply of helpers.


Committee Members – If you are thinking about joining the FOWPS committee (or even if you would like to know a bit more about us) please email. We will be looking for new members in the autumn at our AGM.
