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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter – Friday 7th July 2017

Whole School News

Class News

Thank you for all the positive feedback received about the two sports day events on Tuesday this week.  The children had lots of activities to take part in and all parents did a great job of being in the right area to watch field or track events at just the right times. Every child took part and it was lovely to see the old favourites like egg and spoon and sack races back in the KS2 event.  The day was a credit to our children who definitely lived our school motto of “learning, Caring, Sharing” shown through their support and encouragement for their team mates.


Scores – We do know the outcome but unfortunately have not yet had the opportunity to gather all the children together and let them know.  Since they were the athletes competing we feel it is important that they know first!  Therefore the Sports Cup will be awarded to the winning house on Monday in assembly and we will let you all know after that!  Sorry to keep you all in suspense!


Oak Class

We all had a fantastic time at Sports Day. The children really enjoyed the sack races and the egg and spoon race.

If you haven’t already done so could you please return your consent forms by Monday for our class trip to Sutton Courtenay on Thursday 13th July.


Hornbeam Class

The class enjoyed sprinting around the field at a great speed and cheering on the older children in their races. In the classroom we are enjoying learning about technology and computer coding.


Beech Class

What a fabulous Sports Day with boundless enthusiasm and great team sprit from all the children. We are enjoying learning about castles and are looking forward to our trip to Wallingford Castle and gardens next week. Beech class have also received a very special invitation for another outing. Watch this space!!


Ash Class

The class participated in a variety of running, jumping and throwing activities during sports day. We achieved more than we expected, so well done to us all. We enjoyed supporting KS1 in their sports day.


Rowan Class

We have been continuing with our follow up work after our visit to Englefield Park. This week we have produced a leaflet advertising what happens on ‘The Schools Day’. The Rowan team could not be more proud of their performance on Sports Day. They displayed all aspects of Olympic values, well done to you all


Maple Class

Maple class had a fantastic Sports Day. They displayed great team sprit won lots of rewards. As a class we have also been working on our newspaper articles about our recent residential


Willow Class

This week we’ve been busy organising our Leavers BBQ (next Thursday 6.30 p.m. to

9 p.m.) and enjoying Sports Day. We have also started to write the last newspaper of the year. If you have any ideas or suggestions for articles please get in touch with Willow class.


Sports News

We have had notification about the Oxford Schools’ Challenge half marathon which is taking place on Sunday 8th October. Mrs Bodeker has handed out forms to the children who have expressed an interest and these need to be returned to school by Wednesday 12th July. Further details will be given out nearer the time. If you would like to download photographs from last year’s event please see Mrs Bodeker.


Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion are looking for a volunteer Poppy Appeal organiser for the Woodcote Area. If you are interested please contact Mark Garwood on 07713477049.


Lost Property

Two purses were found on the school field after the Summer Fair. If you have lost one and can describe it to us we have them both in the office.



Wednesday 12th July Year 3 visit to Marden Henge


New intake from September 2017 Foundation Information Evening – 6.30 p.m.

Thursday 13th July



Foundation Visit to Sutton Courtney


Leavers BBQ and Sleepover

Friday 14th July Clubs Finish
Thursday 20th July Leavers Assembly – 9.30 a.m.
Friday 21st July End of Term 1 p.m.