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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter – Friday 26th May 2017

Class News

Oak Class

The children in Oak class have been busy practising numbers to 20 by jumping on them!! After half term we will be doing lots of learning outside the classroom. Please ensure your child has a sun hat and sunscreen in school.

Miss Beesley has asked if you could make sure that all school jumpers and uniforms are clearly marked with your child’s name.


Hornbeam Class

Hornbeam class will be learning outside the classroom during the first week back after half term and are looking for volunteers to join in with gardening and outdoor activities. Miss Ouellette would also love to hear from anyone who could spare an hour to listen to readers.


Beech Class

Year 2 have completed their SATs, they have all worked really hard and we want to say a huge well done to them all. Hopefully most of you didn’t spot that the SAT’s have taken place! The results will be in their school report at the end of the year. Beech class are looking forward to a busy and exciting term ahead.


Rowan Class

Year 4 had a treat this week with a visit from ‘Felix’ who gave them a lesson in ‘Street Dancing’. The class really enjoyed the chance to learn some great moves and he was very complimentary about their excellent behaviour and high standard of dance.


Maple Class

Year 4 enjoyed a visit from Mr Pickett who is a Chemist. They had a great time experimenting with changing states of liquids. Mrs Hetherton and the class would really like to say thank you to Mr Pickett for such a fascinating morning.


Willow Class

Willow class have spent a lot of time this week under blue skies. They built shelters at Wittenham Clumps and as part of their topic ‘The Island’ they have been filtering water over an open fire as well as doing great work in the garden. Thank you so much to Zoe Savage for helping us we really appreciated it.


Sports News

On Thursday pupils from Year’s 5 and 6 took part in the Quad Kids Athletics final at Langtree. They took part with boundless energy and enthusiasm. Special mention for Holly B who completed the 600m in 2 ½ minutes. David S had the most points with 212 and Poppy was the highest scoring girl with 154. We were 5th overall, well done to the whole team.


School Photographs

Due to circumstances beyond the school’s control school photographs will not be taking place on the first day back. We hope you are not too disappointed; we are seeking an alternative date.


Year 6 Residential

Year 6 will be going on their residential visit on Monday 5th June. We hope they all have a fantastic time.


September 2017 Intake

We look forward to welcoming the children who will be starting at Woodcote in September. They will join us on Monday12th June for their first transition day.


Message from Mrs Hunt regarding the potential closure of Chiltern Edge School

We have been contacted by Chiltern Edge School to ask if we would remind you all of the consultation regarding the future of their school.  I am told that there are currently about 150 Woodcote pupils attending Chiltern Edge School across their year groups.  Here in Woodcote we are in a very fortunate position to be able to choose from a number of secondary schools for our children.  I would encourage you all to read the consultation and answer the questionnaire in order to have your say about the future of one of our local schools.  The information can be found from the following link:


We hope you all have a great half term break.
