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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter February 3rd 2017


Year 3 and 4 Netball

The netball club will finish next week and will not be taking place after half term.


After school girls only football club for KS2

Starts on February 21st until Tuesday May 9th, and will take place after school. The club is being run by the Community Coaching Scheme and will work towards improving technical, physical, social and psychological skills. There will also be a progression route to join local club Highmoor Ibis for any girls who would like to continue playing outside school time. Booking forms are available from the school office.


Maths Showcase for Parents – All year groups

Tuesday 7th February at 1.30 p.m.

Wednesday 8th February at 6.30 p.m.



We have had a minor outbreak of nits in Year 4. Please be vigilant and treat if necessary. It is hard to contain an outbreak if the children are not being treated.


Aspens Lunches

The Pork and Lime hot lunch option has been removed from Tuesday’s menu. If you had ordered it you will need to reorder Lasagne for Tuesday next week.


Half Term Break

A reminder that school closes for the half term break on Friday February 10th and re-opens on Monday February 20th.
