- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Pottery Club – There are two spaces in the pottery classes after school on Mondays. These take place from 3.30 – 4.30pm and there will be four sessions only (cost £15) during the half term up to Christmas, starting next Monday 12th November. If your child is interested in this please ask in the school office.
Christmas Boxes – If you would like to donate a Christmas box for this year’s shoebox appeal, please bring your box in by next Monday at the latest as they will be collected then.
Christmas Productions – These are the dates for the Christmas Productions:
Monday 10th December – KS1 Dress Rehearsal (parents with pre-school children may attend)
Tuesday 11th December – KS1 Production
Monday 17th December – KS2 Dress Rehearsal (parents with pre-school may attend)
Tuesday 18th December – KS2 Production 7pm
Wednesday 19th December – KS2 Production 7pm
Children in Need – Next Friday 16th November as our contribution to Children in Need, children may come to school in pyjamas (sensible type only) for a donation of £1 per child.
Dinner money and Trip money – Please could all payments be sent into school in sealed envelopes marked with your child’s name and what the payment is for, as loose money does sometimes get lost. You do not need to use a new envelope, an old one can be reused instead, as long as it is clearly marked.
Cabin Pre-school – The Cabin are holding a Curry & Quiz Night at 7.30pm on Friday 16thNovember in the village hall. Tickets cost £10. Please call Helen on 0777 344 7504 or buy them directly from Cabin.