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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 8 December 2011

Key Stage One Production – Well done to all the children in Oak, Beech and Hornbeam for their performance of the Bossy Christmas Tree Fairy.  This was a fantastic, well polished performance, very much enjoyed by parents.  The standard of performance from the children was extremely high.  A big thank you to all the staff for helping put the production together, particularly to Miss Burrell who directed the production.


A big thank you also to those who made a donation at the end of production towards lighting, this will make a tremendous difference to future performances.


Bronze Badges – Children are beginning to achieve 100 team points, the reward for which is a bronze badge to be sewn onto a sweater or cardigan.  Mrs Bodeker has offered to sew badges during knitting club on Tuesday, Wednesday or Fridays.  If parents would like to take up this offer, then badges should be brought to Mrs Mason in the school office.


Medieval Banquet – A reminder that the Medieval Banquet will be held at the school next Thursday 15th December instead of the usual class parties.  The children will be eating in team point groups and lists are up in the school hall for you to sign up to say which food/drink you will be able to provide.  Children will not need packed lunches or school dinners that day.  We would also like all the children to come in medieval style clothes, this could simply be a tunic (old t-shirt) and trousers tucked into long socks for boys and longer skirts or dresses for the girls.


Also on Friday 16th December (last day of term) we would like to share with you all of our photos from our ‘Castles’ topic.  The school hall will be open from 8.40am – 9.15am for parents to view a white board presentation of the photos.


School Dinner Menu – With this newsletter you should find a menu for school dinners next term.  The cost remains the same at £1.85 each.  Could we please ask that dinner money be sent into school on Monday mornings in a sealed envelope stating which days dinners are required.  Payment can be for that week or for the whole of the half term, and can be by cash (exact money please) or by cheque payable to Oxfordshire County Council.


If you wish to apply for free school meals please ask in the office for a form and we can check whether your child is entitled to free school dinners.  Entitlement is for those parents claiming benefits which include Income Support, Income Based Jobseekers Allowance and some Child Tax Credits.


Thank you – to Mike Hill from the Woodcote Garden Centre for again providing a Christmas Tree for the school.  We are very grateful to Mike for this kind gesture.


End of Term – This school term will end next Friday 16th December at the earlier time of 1pm. There will be no After School Club on this day. There is an Inset day on Tuesday 3rd January and School will re-open to children for the new term on Wednesday 4th January.
