- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Book Week – We had a fantastic Book Week this week and all the children enjoyed the full range of activities and events that took place.
On Monday we had storytellers in and children listened to stories from the Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions, with the theme of women.
During the week, children visited the African storytent in the hall and listened to stories from different cultures.
On Tuesday children got together in their team point groups to share stories. It is always a pleasure to see the older and younger children interacting together at these meetings.
On Wednesday evening we had bedtime stories for children in Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes. Children enjoyed cookies, cocoa and bedtime stories read by teachers.
On Thursday, World Book day, we had a book stall to raise money for Book Aid International. We also had the family reading café, which was very well attended and raised £80.72 for the Charity.
Miss Burrell and Mrs Farrant led the family literacy morning, a workshop for Oak class parents. This was aimed at parents who wish to find out how to support their children with reading, writing and phonics at home in a fun way, and look at how we teach early literacy skills in school.
We also had a pupils verses staff eggheads quiz and voting for Woodcote Primary School’s favourite book.
All in all, we had a fantastic week. A big thank you must go to Miss Burrell, our Literacy Co-ordinator, for working so hard to organise this very successful week.
Parents Evenings – These will be held during week commencing 11th March as follows. Please sign up on the lists in the school hall if you have not already done so. Please allow time between appointments.
Willow, Maple, Hornbeam, Beech and Oak classes – Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th March starting at 3.30pm except for Maple class which will start at 3.50pm on Wednesday due to a school trip.
Rowan and Ash classes – Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th March starting at 3.30pm.
Music Lessons – The lessons normally held on Tuesday each week will be on Thursday next week.
Piano lessons – These will also be held on Thursday next week instead of Wednesday.
Comic Relief – This year we have decided that children can come to school next Friday in non-uniform with the theme of ‘Red’. All donations (minimum £1) will be paid into the Comic Relief appeal.
Lunchtime Supervisor – The school has a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor. If you, or someone you know, would like to apply for this position please ask in the school office for more details and an application form.