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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 6.2.14

Parents’ Evenings – A reminder that these will take place as follows:

Monday 10th February            All classes

Tuesday 11th February            Oak, Beech, Ash and Rowan classes

Wednesday 12th February       Hornbeam, Maple and Willow classes

Lists are still up in the school foyer for you to sign up for an appointment if you have not already done.


Children’s Book Fair – The Travelling Book Fair will be in school next Monday 10th February until Friday 14th February from 3.15pm until 3.45pm.  The commission from sales at the fair allows us to buy books for the classroom and library so every book you buy helps us to get new books for the school.  You will already have received a leaflet showing a small selection of the titles available.


Willow Class Assembly – This class assembly will take place next Wednesday 12th February starting at 9.10am and parents are welcome to attend.


Barnardo’s Egg-citing Challenge – Today your child will bring home a leaflet about this fundraising challenge where they take care of a hard-boiled egg for a week, decorating it and giving it a name.  If you would like your child to take part in this, we suggest this is done over half term with any donations received put into the envelope provided and brought into school during the week after half term.  The names of all children who take part will be entered into a draw with the prize of a Barnardo’s bear.


Early Morning Activities – Thank you for your responses to our questionnaire.  By popular demand we are going with Fencing for KS2 at 8am – 8.40am each week starting Tuesday 4thMarch until Tuesday 1st April and Multisports (a combination in mini form of all the activities available) for KS1 at 8am – 8.40am each week starting Wednesday 5th March until Wednesday 2nd April. Leaflets will be given out concerning these sessions for you to request a place.  The cost of these sessions will be £20 per child (5 weeks at £4 per session) with cheques payable to Oxfordshire County Council.


Wildlife Area – Working party day, Sunday 16th Feb 2014, 10 am – 4pm

Please do provide your support if you can – even for just an hour or two – send the men and the children out while Sunday lunch is being cooked!Wellies are a must, gloves recommended and wheelbarrows / shovels would be great.  We have made excellent progress so far with great support from parents.  Please help us finish the job ready for Spring.  If you can, let Helena know if you will be able to help at or on 07798 702041.  Thank you!


Lunchtime Supervisors – There is still a vacancy for a Lunchtime Supervisor 12.00 to 1.00pm after half term. Please ask in the school office for more details and an application form if you are interested in this position.


End of Term – A reminder that we break up for the half term holiday on Friday 14th February at the normal time of 3.15pm and return to school on Monday 24th February.
