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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 6 October 2011

INSET DAY- School closed tomorrow Friday 7th October for an Inset day.


Parents Evenings– Please remember to sign up for a parent interview if you have not yet done so as these will be held next week.

School Fences– Several children have been seen at weekends climbing the school fences and one or two entering the school grounds by ging underneath gates, Please remind your child that during the weekends they should not be on the school site and that climbing fences can be dangerous. thanks you for your support with this matter.


School absence– If your child is absent from school for sickness, medical appointments or any other reason please could you telephone the school office to let us know or pass a message to their teacher.


Nestle Box Tops– Please continue to send these in so that we can obtain more free books for the school.
