- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
School Reports – Reports have been sent out this week. If you have any concerns about your child’s report, please arrange an interview with your child’s class teacher to discuss these concerns.
Sports Days – A reminder that these are being held as follows:
KS1 Oak, Hornbeam and Beech classes – Wednesday 10th July starting at 9.15am on our school field.
KS2 Ash, Rowan, Maple and Willow classes – Thursday 11th July starting at 9.15am on Langtree field.
All children will need their PE kit and appropriate running shoes and tops with their team colour:
Red Kites – Red, Hawks – Green, Owls – Blue, Kestrels – Yellow, Eagles – Orange.
Children will also need a bottle of water together with suncream and sunhat if we have hot weather.
Class Photographs – All orders for class photos must be brought into school by next Monday 8thJuly by 9am together with your payment so that they can be sent to the photographer and the photos can be received back by the end of term. Any orders after this date will need to be sent direct by you to the photographer.
Inset Days 2013/14 – The inset days for our school have now been agreed as follows:
Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September, Friday 25th October, Monday 6th January,
Tuesday 22nd April. You should receive a copy of the term dates for next year with this Newsletter.
Absence from School – A reminder that any absence from school must be reported to your child’s class teacher or to the school office by telephone or email on office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk by 9.30am on the morning of absence and the reason stated. This is a legal requirement, otherwise the absence will be deemed unauthorised. Holidays should not be taken during the school term, however if there are extenuating circumstances, then a letter should be written to the Headteacher requesting the absence and detailing the reasons. This request will then be considered but not necessarily authorised.
Summer Fayre Raffle Tickets – All tickets, sold or unsold, must be brought into school by Friday this week so that they can be entered into the raffle on Saturday.
Woodcote Holiday Club – Bookings are now being taken for the Holiday Club held in primary school grounds run at The Cabin Pre-School with the Woodcote Pre-School. Dates Wednesday 24th July until Friday 16th August 9am – 3pm.
The Elms Multi-Sports Camps – The Elms are again holding their Sports Camp for children aged 4-12 years old, on our school site during the summer holidays as follows: Week 1 – 5th – 9thAugust and
Week 2 – 12th – 16th August. Sports will include tennis, football, cricket, basketball, hockey, athletics etc. All equipment supplied. Regular price £18.00 per day or Early Bird price £14.00 per day. Booking can be by telephone on 020 8954 8787 or online at www.elmsholidayschemes.co.uk
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 5th July 2013 – please see back of this newsletter.
Chris Field, Headteacher.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 5th July 2013
Summer Fayre – This Saturday 12.00-3.00pm.
There will be lots of fun for all the family:
Please come along & support your school.
Marvellous Festival, Wellington Country Park – We’ve been sent 2 adult tickets for the Saturday 20th July. Face value is £35.00. If you would like the purchase the tickets please make a reasonable offer to fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk.