- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Harvest – Thank you to all the parents that supported our Harvest festival this year.
The amount and range of produce donated was fantastic and gratefully received. I would also like to thank the staff and parents who boxed up the produce and delivered it to those residents of Woodcote that need our support. Already I have received letters of thanks from residents. Thank you to Mark Packer, Carla Van Heerden, Jo Ostridge, Julie Whatmore, Lynne Hall, Annie Temple, Sue Palmer and Sam McDougall who all helped with the packing up and distributing of the produce. Also a special thank you to Sandra Farmer for decorating the boxes and also for helping to distribute the goods.
Parent Interviews – These will be held during the week beginning 15th October for children in Years 1-6. Lists will be put up in the school hall on Monday next week for you to sign up for an appointment with your child’s teacher.
Lunchtime Supervisor – We have a vacancy for a temporary lunchtime supervisor. If you would be interested in this post please ask in the school office for an application form and further details.
Year 6 transfer to Secondary School – A reminder to parents of Year 6 children that the deadline for applications for transfer to secondary school is 31st October. This can be done online at www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions
Change of address or telephone numbers – Please let us know if you have moved house or have changed telephone numbers so that we can update our records in case we need to contact you quickly.
Cheque Payments – Due to changes in administration please could all cheque payments for school dinners or school trips be made payable to ‘Oxfordshire County Council’. The only cheques that need to be payable to Woodcote Primary School are payments for school uniform.
Fundraising – Little Adventure Shop sells children’s outdoor clothing and equipment. They are based in Woodcote and are holding an exclusive shopping afternoon at Unit 6 Church Farm (opposite the Village Hall) on Wednesday October 10th from 2-8pm. 10% of sales made to parents of our school will be donated to the Minibus Fund. For further information please call Rebecca or Jan on 01491 681074 or visit www.littleadventureshop.co.uk
Bear Dog Outdoor – is running two events on 31st October: a Haunted Forest Adventure 10.00-15.00 (ideal for Yrs2-4) costing £30 per child and a Halloween Party 18.00-20.30 (Yr4 and over) costing £20. As usual a £5 discount will be given to members of 1st Goring Heath Beavers, Cubs or Scouts. If there is sufficient demand Bear Dog will also run a junior bushcraft day 10.00-15.00 on 1st November for children in Yr3 and up. For more information or to book a place, please contact Ruth Hubbard on 01491 681391 or ruth@beardogoutdoor.co.uk
Half Term – The October holiday is Monday 29th October until Friday 2nd November and there is also an Inset Day on Monday 5th November so children will not return until Tuesday 6thNovember.