- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Athletics – Last Friday we took a team of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to Chiltern Edge school to compete in an indoor athletics event. There were a mixture of running and field events, as well as relay races. All the children tried their best, competed enthusiastically and enjoyed the afternoon. We finished fifth out of seven against other local primaries. Well done to Michelle Bennett, Josh Wiltshire, Beth Wise,
Max Temple, Joseph Lee, Danielle Thatcher, Jack Botham, Leo Metolli, Maddy Warren, Astrid Tozer, Lucy Ball, Adam McBride, Kimberley Gough, Amy Lissenden, David Carr, Andrew Carr, Josh Palmer and Charlotte Mansfield.
New Minibus – The school would like to say a great big thank you to the FOWPS committee for raising the funds to pay for our new minibus. The new minibus arrived this week, replacing our much older one. Having two minibuses allows staff to take whole classes out on trips, which support the National Curriculum, and pupils really enjoy these trips. FOWPS raised a fantastic £10,000 to allow us to acquire the bus. Thank you again to the committee and their ongoing support and hardwork.
Neighbourhood Plan – There will be a ‘drop in’ event in the village hall next Tuesday 5th February
7.30 – 9.30pm and Saturday 9th 10am – 3pm when details will be available about the plan for possible housing in the village. Everyone is invited to go along and share their thoughts and views and to add any further information.
Pro-Direct Football – This started last week on Tuesdays after school 3.30pm to 4.30pm. There are spaces for more children to take part so if your children would like to join please ask in the school office for a form. There is a payment required of £40 for 8 sessions but this would be reduced if your child starts the sessions late.
Half Term – The week 11th – 15th February is our school half term with school finishing on Friday 8th at the usual time of 3.15pm. We return to school on Monday 18th February.