- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Harvest Festival – A big thank you to all the parents who supported our Harvest festival this year, for providing a tremendous amount of produce and attending our Festival at the school. I would like to thank Mrs Bodeker for organising everything and also thank those who boxed up the produce and delivered it to elderly residents in Woodcote. They were Sarah Murrin, Gemma Hoare, Sue Palmer, Michelle Cox, Carla Van Heerden and Annie Temple. Also a very special thank you to Sandra Farmer for the time she spent decorating the boxes for us to make them look really special for the recipients.
School Photographs – A reminder that if you would like to order photographs, the orders must be brought into the school office first thing on Monday morning next week so that they can be sent to the photographer and hopefully we will receive the photos back before half term.
After School Club – The Annual General Meeting will be held next Monday 7th October in the school hall starting at 7.30pm. Please come along and if you are interested in joining the committee please let any of the ASC staff know. It would be great to have more committee members.
Parents Interviews – These will be held during the week beginning 21st October. More details will be on next week’s newsletter.
Operation Christmas Child – With this newsletter you should receive a leaflet about this year’s Christmas shoebox appeal. All details are on the leaflet but please note that a donation of £3 per box is also requested. The boxes will need to be brought into school after half term (not before please as we have nowhere to store them) so that they can be collected from here.
Cross Country Events – There are a series of primary school cross country events taking place at Chiltern Edge on Saturday 12th October, Saturday 16th November and Saturday 7th December starting from 10am (depending on year group). Further details please contact Kevin Nutt on 01189 721500 or email knutt@childrenedge.oxon.sch.uk
Half Term – A reminder for your diaries that this year the October holiday is Monday 28thOctober to Friday 1st November and that there is an Inset day on Friday 25th October.
Jumble Sale – St. Leonard’s church will be holding a jumble sale this Saturday 5th October from 2pm to 4pm. If you have any jumble, please deliver it to the village hall from 10am, or contact Lucy Carr on 01491 681927.
Barn Dance – St. Leonard’s will also be holding a Barn Dance in the evening. Tickets are £8 each or £20 per family (2 adults and 2 children) or £5 for concessions. Please contact Chris Bernard for tickets.
Little Adventure Shop Sale – On Wednesday 16th October at Unit 6 Church Farm, Woodcote, there will be a sale from 1pm – 7pm of childrens outdoor clothing and equipment, fleeces/school coats/waterproof jackets or bottoms and snow boots or ski wear. 10% of sales made to parents of Woodcote Primary School will be donated back to FOWPS to help raise much needed funds for the school. For more details call 01491 681074 or speak to Jan Spiers.
FOWPS Newsletter w/e Friday 4th October
AGM – Will be held on Thursday 17th October 7.30pm at Woodcote Primary School. All parents are welcome to attend. We are a group of parents and teachers who raise money for the school and pay for things from which all the children greatly benefit. We will have a few places coming up so if you wish to join the committee or would like more information about what’s involved please email fowps@woodcote-primary.co.uk
Class cake sales – Oak & Hornbeam cake sale raised £79.10. We would like to remind parents that all the money raised goes to the classes and directly benefits all the children.
KS2 Disco – will take place on Friday 18th October 6.30-7.30. Entry is £3.00 per child and only children from Woodcote Primary School are allowed to attend. If you are able to help on the evening please email Hazel on hazelkennedy@hotmail.com or leave your name at the school office.