- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
FOWPS coffee shop
It’s Coffee Shop time again at the Community Centre on the 1st of October (that’s tomorrow!) from 10-12:30. We hope to see many of you there enjoying the goodies and supporting our school at this event.
Woodcote Library is 25 years old.
Help us to celebrate by dropping in to the library between 3-4pm on Saturday 1st October 2016 for a proper celebration. There will be refreshments and, of course, birthday cake.
Woodcote Primary Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for a Lunchtime supervisor. Hours required are 11:45-13:15 Monday to Friday, term time only. If you are interested please email office@woodcote-primary.co.uk or pop in to the office to collect an application form.
Menu change
There has been a change to the Aspens’ menu for Thursday the 6th of October and Friday the 7th of October. Please check if you have already ordered and amend this to ensure your child gets the desired meal on the correct day.
Thursday 6th will now be: Battered Fish and Chips or Roasted vegetable pasta bake followed by chocolate and pear pudding.
Friday 7th will now be: Two fish and potato pie or quorn sausages with bubble and squeak mash and gravy followed by jam and coconut sponge and custard.
Please note that the aspens packed lunches will remain the same -no change to these for the two days.
Aspens Lunches
If you make use of the Aspens online ordering service, please ensure that you order your child’s meal before 9am on any given day and that you cancel any orders before 9 am should you no longer require a meal for that day. This includes all children in Foundation, Year 1 and 2 who have free meal entitlement. Please also check that you have correctly named your child’s class on the Aspens website. We ask that you use the correct class tree name and nothing else. This helps us to sort them into the correct groups.
In case you are unsure the classes are as follows:
Reception – Oak
Year 1- Hornbeam
Year 2-Beech
Year 3-Ash
Year 4-Rowan
Year 5- Maple
Year 6- Willow
Autism Workshop
Autism Oxford are offering a Free workshop for Autistic people and their families, people with learning disabilities, and professional or supporters. It will take place on Friday 7th October at Didcot Civic Hall, Britwell Rd, Didcot OX11 7JN. Starting at 9:30 with refreshments, followed by the workshop between 10-2:30pm.
Year 3 & 4 Football Club
Three year 6 boys, under Mrs Bodeker’s guidance and supervision, will be offering a football club for boys and girls in years 3 and 4 after school on Tuesday afternoons from 3:15-4:15. If your child would like to participate in this club, please fill in the slip attached and return it to the office by Monday 3rd October. Places are limited to 12. The club will start on Tuesday 4thOctober. If your child has a place, they will be told on Monday by 3pm.
Year 3 & 4 Football Club – (please return to school office by 3rd October)
My child……………………………………………………… would like to take part in the after school football club for year 3 and 4 children on Tuesdays 15:15-16:15.
I will ensure my child has a water bottle, suitable clothing and trainers or soft studded boots for the sessions.
Signed ……………………………………………………….Date…………………………….