- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Year 6 Parents – Langtree Secondary School invites you to their Open Evening on Tuesday 7thOctober from 6.30pm. There are also two open mornings by appointment only on Friday 10thOctober and Thursday 16 October. All Year 6 applications for Secondary School places should be made online by 31 October 2014 at: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/secondaryadmissions
Harvest Festival – Oak Class will be celebrating Harvest Festival at St. Leonard’s Church with the Pre-schools at 10am – 10.30am on Friday 10th October. Harvest offerings may be brought into school on that morning for display at church. Please do not bring fresh produce for this service. The rest of Key Stage 1 (Hornbeam & Beech) and Key Stage 2 classes will celebrate Harvest Festival at church the following week, on Wednesday 15th October.
Harvest Boxes – after Harvest Festival, the harvest offerings are boxed up and distributed to the elderly residents of the village. If you know of anyone that would appreciate a box of harvest produce please let the office know. Also if you have any empty shoe boxes that we can decorate for the distribution of the harvest produce, please bring them in. Sandra Farmer has very kindly agreed to decorate them. Thank you for all of the boxes we have received so far.
Parent Evenings – these will take place in the school hall for all classes on Tues. 21st October and for all except Ash Class on Wed. 22nd October from 3.30pm – 6.30pm. Ash Class will have its second evening on Thurs. 23rd October. Mrs Welsh will send out further details. Appointment boards will be available in the Foyer to sign up for an appointment with your child’s teacher from Thurs.9th October. Please note that the appointment is for 10 minutes however if you realise that you may need longer please make a separate
appointment with the class teacher so as not to delay other parents.
Uniform – please can you check your child’s uniform to see if they have inadvertently picked up another child’s sweatshirt or cardigan. There are many sweatshirts and cardigans missing at the moment. Usually if your child’s uniform is labeled it is returned directly to their classroom therefore please label all uniform clearly.
Bridge Club – the lunchtime bridge club run by Mrs Carol Quinton, has now moved from Tuesdays to Wednesdays at 12.25pm – 12.55pm. This club is open to Year 3 children and above. New members welcome.
Reminder – dogs must not be brought onto our school site. Oxfordshire County Council has a very clear policy that states no dogs are allowed on school grounds at any time. Only Guide Dogs for the blind are the exception.
Newsletters – these are now being sent electronically to those parents with an email address in KS 1. If you would like to add or amend an email address please let the school office know. The office will be adding the KS 2 email addresses in due course. There will always be an up to date copy of the Newsletter available to read in the Foyer.