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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 3 February 2012

Rowan class assembly – This will be held next Wednesday 

8th February starting at 9.00am.


Parent Interviews – These will be held as follows during the first week back after half term. 

Monday 20th February   – all classes

Tuesday 21st February  – Rowan, Ash, Beech, Hornbeam and Oak classes

Wednesday 22nd February – Willow and Maple classes.

Lists will be in the school hall next week for you to sign up for a timed slot.


Half Term – School finishes next Friday at the usual time of 3.15pm for the half term holiday which is the following week Monday 13th – Friday 17th February inclusive.  School restarts on Monday 20th February.


Athletics – Last Friday we took a team of Year 5 and 6 pupils to an indoor athletics event at Chiltern Edge School.  Pupils took part in a range of running and field events competing against pupils from other schools.  It was a very enjoyable event and I was very pleased with how well all our pupils competed.  Well done to Isabel Carr, Jake Mullins, Rhys Warrick, Adam Wise, Eilis Murphy, Daniel Church, Lauren Cox, Maddy Dudley, Sam Taylor, Josh Brant, James Brown, Jack Clark, Jessie Caldecott-Govan, Molly Cole, Max Temple, Lucy Ball, Bryony Furlonger, Leo Metolli and Alex Ostridge.


Cycle Training – Is there anyone who can help with this cycle training as we may not be able to do the training for pupils in Year 6 or Year 5 if we do not have enough helpers. We hope to offer training on Tuesdays.


Parent Governor – We now have a vacancy for a Parent Governor.  If you are interested in this position please ask in the school office for more information of what is involved.


Barnardo’s Egg Challenge – The amount of sponsorship money received for Barnardo’s so far is £464.  If you have not yet sent in your sponsorship money please send it in next week and perhaps we can reach a grand total of £500.


Headlice – There have been some cases of headlice among the children in school so can I please ask you all to check your child/children’s hair and if necessary use a treatment so that it stops it spreading further.
