- Woodcote Primary School,
- Reading Road, Woodcote,
- Reading, RG8 0QY
- 01491 680454
- office.2510@woodcote.oxon.sch.uk
Emergency Closures – In the event of bad weather any closure or late opening will be announced on the radio by 8.00am, earlier if possible (BBC Radio Oxford and Heart FM Oxfordshire) and will appear on their websites.
We will also inform the Woodcote and Cabin Pre-schools.
We will notify parents of opening/closing on our school website: www.woodcote-primary.co.uk
School closures are also listed on the County website: http://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/schoolclosures
Please note that our decision to open or close is not dependent on what Langtree do. Our circumstances are quite different in terms of staffing, numbers of pupils and transport. However, if Langtree close, we would ask that your child brings a packed lunch. If you are unable to do this we will provide your child with soup and bread.
If we do open during adverse weather conditions and your child is booked into After School Club, you should check with the school to see whether this is running as normal.
– Cost £2.00
Reminder – Christmas Dinners need to be pre-ordered by next Monday 3rd December
either online or by letting us know in the school office.
KS2 Production – This will be held on the evenings of Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19thDecember and we are still looking for a parent who would consider filming the production on either of these evenings so that we may sell copies to parents. If so, could you please contact Mrs Lecorgne in Willow class.
Team Point Badges – As part of our whole school reward system, children receive badges for achieving 100, 200 and 300 team points over the year. Last year we tried using sew on badges, with bronze for 100 points, silver for 200 points and gold for 300 points. This was successful to a certain degree but to make this system more successful this year, starting this term, we will use pin on badges for bronze and silver. We will continue with gold sew on badges as we still have plenty of these and children can continue to display them on their sweatshirts the following year.
We would ask at the end of the year that bronze and silver pin on badges be returned to the school, as these are costly and we hope to re-use them the following year. Many children have proudly worn the badges last year and we hope children will continue to wear the new pin on badges with pride.
Packed Lunches – Please can I ask that your child brings a spoon in their packed lunch box if they have yoghurt or similar to eat as we are unable to supply spoons for everyone.
Poppy Appeal – The amount raised through the school for the Poppy Appeal this year was £36.26.
School Admissions September 2013 – A reminder to parents of pre-school children that the deadline for applications for children starting school in September 2013 is 15th January. This can be done online at: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/admissions or by sending in a form to School Admissions.
School Admission Appeal Panels – Do you like to make a difference? Are you a decision maker? Have you got the odd day to spare? Yes? People like you are needed to sit on school appeal panels! So, if you are interested in taking an active part in schools admissions and exclusions please contact 01865 810180 or write to: Education Apeals Officer, County Hall, New Road, Oxford 0X1 1ND or email: schoolappeals@oxfordshire.gov.uk This should be done by Monday 10th December.
Christingle Service – St Leonard’s Church will be holding their Christingle Service on Sunday 9thDecember at 4pm. This is a candlelit service for all the family when every child will receive their very own Christingle. A collection will be taken for The Children’s Society – helping vulnerable children in the UK