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Woodcote Primary School


Newsletter 29 September 2011

Team Point Trophy– Well done to Red Kites who achieved the most team points last week, with Kestrels a very close second. This year we have a fifth team point group, Eagles, created due to the increasing number of children we have at the school. As with other team point groups, we have tried to put siblings together in the new group.


Year 2 football- On Monday we took a team of Year 2 children to a friendly football match against Cranford House School. The children played two games, losing the first but winning the second. The children did particularly well considering they played two 20 minute games against different teams. I was very pleased with their hard work and enthusiasm. Well Done to Michael Slingo, Joseph Palmer, Samuel Wilson, Samuel Butler-James, Jack Marcham, Christopher Lobb and Robin Lewis.


Parents evenings- These are being held during week beginning 8th October. On Monday evening it will be all classes.  Tuesday all 

classes except Willow and Maple and on Wednesday it will be Willow and Maple only. Lists will be put up in the school hall on Monday morning for you to sign up for an interview.


Harvest Festival– A big thank you to parents for bringing in produce for the Harvest Festival. This was all distributed to elderly residents in Woodcote and I would like to thanks Carla van Heerden, Jackie Eastgate and Annie Temple for assisting our Teaching Assistants and Year 6 pupils with distributing the parcels around the village.


School Photographs– all orders for photographs need to be sent into school on Monday next week so that the orders can be sent to the photographers. After this any orders will need to be sent by you direct to Tempest.

